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time. Using more may affect performance
and operation of the device and/or
If you access preinstalled bookmarks
and links to third party internet sites, take
the appropriate precautions. Nokia does not
endorse or assume liability for such sites.
Operating environment
This device meets radio frequency exposure
guidelines in the normal use position at the
ear or at least 1.5 centimetres (5/8 inch)
away from the body. Any carry case, belt clip,
or holder for body-worn operation should
not contain metal and should position the
device the above-stated distance from your
The sending of data files or messages
requires a quality network connection and
may be delayed until such a connection is
available. Follow the separation distance
instructions until the sending is completed.
Radio signals may affect improperly installed
or inadequately shielded electronic systems
in vehicles. For more info, check with the
manufacturer of your vehicle or its
Only qualified personnel should install the
device in a vehicle. Faulty installation may be
dangerous and invalidate your warranty.
Check regularly that all wireless device
equipment in your vehicle is mounted and
operating properly. Do not store or carry
flammable or explosive materials in the same
compartment as the device, its parts, or
accessories. Do not place your device or
accessories in the air bag deployment area.
Potentially explosive environments
Switch your device off in potentially
explosive environments, such as near petrol
pumps. Sparks may cause an explosion or fire
resulting in injury or death. Note restrictions
in areas with fuel; chemical plants; or where
blasting operations are in progress. Areas
with a potentially explosive environment may
not be clearly marked. These usually are
areas where you are advised to switch your
engine off, below deck on boats, chemical
transfer or storage facilities, and where the
air contains chemicals or particles. Check
with the manufacturers of vehicles using
liquefied petroleum gas (such as propane or
butane) if this device can be safely used in
their vicinity.
Certification information (SAR)
This mobile device meets guidelines for
exposure to radio waves.
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and
receiver. It is designed not to exceed the
limits for exposure to radio waves
recommended by international guidelines.
These guidelines were developed by the
independent scientific organisation ICNIRP
and include safety margins designed to
assure the protection of all persons,
regardless of age and health.
The exposure guidelines for mobile devices
employ a unit of measurement known as the

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nokia 206

Nokia 206 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 54 pagina's

Nokia 206 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 56 pagina's

Nokia 206 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 56 pagina's

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