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You will see various symbols in this manual. They
are used in the following ways:
This is used to indicate the presence of a
hazard that could cause death or serious
personal injury. To avoid or reduce the
risk, the procedures must be followed
This is used to indicate the presence of a
hazard that could cause minor or moder-
ate personal injury or damage to your ve-
hicle. To avoid or reduce the risk, the pro-
cedures must be followed carefully.
If you see this symbol, it means “Do not do this”
or “Do not let this happen.”
If you see a symbol similar to these in an illustra-
tion, it means the arrow points to the front of the
Arrows in an illustration that are similar to these
indicate movement or action.
Arrows in an illustration that are similar to these
call attention to an item in the illustration.
Engine exhaust, some of its constituents,
and certain vehicle components contain or
emit chemicals known to the State of
California to cause cancer and birth de-
fects or other reproductive harm. In addi-
tion, certain fluids contained in vehicles
and certain products of component wear
contain or emit chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer and
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Some vehicle parts, such as lithium batter-
ies, may contain perchlorate material. The
following advisory is provided: “Perchlorate
Material special handling may apply, See

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