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9. Replacing HEPA filter
The HEPA filter cleans the exhaust air of the microscopic
particles which are not retained by the dust bag. To
maintain constant suction, the dust filter must be
replaced after approx. 1 year of average use, or more
frequently for heavy use.
The HEPA filter must not be brushed or washed.
1. Lay the machine on its side on a clean surface to
avoid scratching it.
2. Loosen the four screws by turning them through 90°
using a coin.
3. Pull out the large tube.
4. Replace HEPA filter. It clicks into place.
5. Reinsert the tube so that the arrows on the tube and
in the base are pointing at each other. Tighten the
four screws by turning them through 90°.
The vacuum cleaner’s efficiency depends on the size and
quality of the HEPA filter. Always use original HEPA filters
with product code 22356800.
Using non-original HEPA filters may result in impaired air
throughflow and consequent overloading of the motor.
Using non-original filters invalidates the warranty.
10.Cleaning the turbo nozzle
Cleaning the roller:
Hair and threads which have wound around the roller
can simply be cut with scissors and removed.
Thermal fuse
The vacuum cleaner is fitted with a thermal fuse, which
automatically switches off the motor if it overheats, e.g.
if it becomes blocked. Remove the cause of the blockage
to restore a free passage of air. When the motor has
cooled down, it will restart automatically.
if the motor will not start
–a fuse may have blown and need replacing.
–the cord or wall socket may be faulty and must be
checked by an electrician.
•if the suction is impaired
the dust bag may be full and need replacing, see
point 6.
–the pre-filter, carbon filter or HEPA filter may be dirty
and need replacing, see point 7-8-9.
the hose, tube or nozzle may be blocked and need
if the vacuum cleaner stops
the thermal fuse has cut out the motor as a result of
a blockage in the hose, pipe or nozzle. Remove the
cause of the blockage and the vacuum cleaner will
restart automatically soon after.
Store the vacuum cleaner in a dry place. The vacuum
cleaner does not require lubrication, etc.. The vacuum
cleaner is designed for long and demanding work but at
some point, depending on how much it is used, the dust
filters will need replacing.
Clean the surface of the vacuum cleaner using a dry
cloth, perhaps with a little sulphone.
Service – contact your local dealer.
6. Changing the dust bag
The dust bag must be changed when the suction
decreases. For models with dust bag indicators, change
the bag when is completely red.
1. Open the dust compartment by pressing the centre
button 4.
2. Release the full dust bag by tilting the black plastic
plate y towards the dust compartment lid.
3. With the bag still in the machine, hold the card with
one hand while pulling up the cardboard flap yy with
the other. This seals the bag.
4. Lift the bag out of the machine.
5. Unfold the new bag, insert it and close the dust
The vacuum cleaner’s efficiency depends on the quality of
the dust bag. Always use original dust bags with product
code 22359500.
Using non-original dust bags may result in impaired air
throughflow and consequent overloading of the motor.
Using non-original dust bags invalidates the warranty.
7. Replacing the pre-filter
The pre-filter protects the motor from the microscopic
particles which are not retained by the dust bag. It also
protects the motor in the event of breakage of the dust
bag. It should be changed once a year.
1. Remove the dust bag.
2. Press the spring lock and open the front of the grid.
3. Replace the pre-filter.
4. Click the front of the grid back into place.
The vacuum cleaner’s efficiency depends on the quality of
the pre-filter. Always use original pre-filters supplied with
the dust bag.
Using non-original pre-filters invalidates the warranty.
8. Replacing the carbon filter
(not all models)
The carbon filter removes malodorous gases from the
exhaust air. It should be changed once a year.
1. Remove the dust bag.
2. Press the spring lock and open the front of the grid.
3. Remove the pre-filter.
4. Remove the back of the grid by carefully working the
frame from side to side.
5. Replace the carbon filter by pressing the two wings.
6. Reinstall the grid and click it into place in all four
7. Reinstall the pre-filter and click the front of the grid
back into place.
Always use original carbon filters with product code
Using non-original carbon filters may result in impaired
air throughflow and consequent overloading of the
motor. Using non-original carbon filters invalidates the

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