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Guarantee and service
This Nil sk Extreme Series vacuum
cleaner is covered by a ve (5) year
guarantee on the machine, which
covers the motor, cable rewinder,
switch and casing. The nozzles, lters,
hoses, tubes and other accessories
are covered twelve months due to
manufacturing fault only and excludes
wear and tear.
The guarantee includes spare parts
and labour costs, and covers manu-
facturing and material defects that
may occur during normal domestic
Service under the guarantee will
only be performed if it can be proven
that the defect occurred within the
product’s guarantee period (a correctly
completed guarantee certi cate or
printed/stamped cash register receipt
with date and product type) and on
the condition that the vacuum cleaner
was bought as a new product in Great
Britain/Ireland/Australia/New Zealand
and distributed by Nil sk-Advance.
In the event of the repair of defects,
the customer must contact Nil sk-
Advance to be directed to a service
agent at the customers own expense.
Upon completion of any repairs
necessary, the vacuum cleaner will be
returned to the customer
at the risk
and expense of Nil sk-Advance.
The guarantee does not cover:
Normal wear and tear of
accessories and lters.
Defects or damage occurring as a
direct or indirect result of incorrect
use - such as the vacuuming of
rubble, hot ashes or carpet
deodorant powder.
Abuse, loss or lack of maintenance
as described in Instructions for
• Plaster dust.
• Saw dust.
• Water.
• Should not be used for home
Nor will it cover incorrect or poor
con guration, i.e. setting up or
connection, nor re-damage, re,
lightning strike or unusual voltage
uctuations or any other electrical
disturbances such as defective fuses
or defective electrical installations on
the supply grid, and defects or
damage in general that Nil sk-
Advance consider to be the result of
causes other than manufacturing and
material defects.
The guarantee becomes void:
If a defect is caused by the use of
non-original Nil sk dust bags and
If the identity number is removed
from the vacuum cleaner.
If the vacuum cleaner has been
repaired by a non-Nil sk
authorized dealer.
If the machine is used in a
commercial environment, i.e.
building contractors, cleaning
contractors, professional trades or
any other non-domestic usage.
The guarantee is valid in:
Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Great Britain,
Ireland, Belgium, Holland, France, Germany,
Poland, Rusia, Austria, Switzerland, Spain,
Portugal, Australia and New Zealand,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary,
Greece,Slovenia, Slovakia,
the Czech Republic, Italy and Finland.

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