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53Original Instructions
12 Wireless communication - Wireless+/Deluxe
Intended use of radio equipment
Do not pull out the suction hose from the cleaner
while the motor/fan unit of the cleaner is running.
These machines have a safety shut o function.
This shut o function will be activated when the ma-
chine is operated with a closed vacuum socket.
12.1 Transceiver box
Before you mount the transceiver box to
the wall you should always test if you have
a signal between the transceiver box and
the hose handle in your entire home. Con-
nect the box to the cleaner and turn the
cleaner on and o using the hose handle
from di erent places in your home.
The rst transmission
The hose handle and the cleaner needs to have a rst
communication before starting the cleaner. This is also
valid if the hose handle has been replaced (spare part) or
if you want to connect an extra hose. Do like this before
starting your wireless cleaner:
1) Unplug the main cord.
2) Plug in the cord again, and then push the on/o button
at the hose handle for approximately 10 seconds. This
must be done within 60 seconds after the cleaner has
been plugged in
3) The handle and the cleaner do now communicate.
Installing the transceiver box
Mount the transceiver box on the wall minimum 1 meter
away from the cleaner for best signal between the trans-
ceiver box and the hose handle. The transceiver box can
be moved to di erent places in your home for a better
range by using an up to 30 meter network cable. Cables
can often be bought in your local Electronics store.
Connecting the transceiver box
To be able to use the wireless Nil sk hose handles, you
must rst connect the transceiver box to the cleaner. This
is done by using the 2 meter the network cable (RJ45)
that comes with the transceiver box. Connect the cable to
the transceiver box and the right socket in the back of the
12.2 Wireless hose handle
Instruction for use
The on-o function and power regulation is controlled by
radio technology. You do not have to point at the machine
like infra-red controls. The wireless bent end can be used
anywhere in the house.
Start and stop
Start: One push at the switch will start the cleaner.
Stop: One push at the switch will shut o the cleaner.
The power regulation can be adjusted in 5 steps. You
switch between the di erent steps by pressing the (+) or
(-) buttons at the hose handle.
The LED-indicator is placed above the on/o button and
will be activated with di erent lights depending on the ac-
tions that are taken:
The lamp is activated at start or stop actions or when the
power regulation is adjusted.
The lamp ashes a warning light that indicates that the
bag lter/dust bag is clogged and needs cleaning/replace-
You must then check and clean or replace the lter/bag.
Deluxe info center display
The display is placed above the on/o button and will
show di erent symbols depending of the status of the
Speed level: Bars shows the actual speed level
Low Battery ashing: Battery is under 5%, Change bat-
Service warning / Air ow blocked lit: Indicates for both
Service warning and Blocked air ow. See 10 Trouble-
Check bag/ lter ashing: It is almost time to change
dust bag and clean lter.
Check bag/ lter lit: Dust bag or lter is clogged. Change
dust bag and clean lter.
Signal ashing: Hose handle is out of range. No connec-
tion to the cleaner.
Overheat ashing: Thermal cut-out has tripped and the
cleaner has stopped. See 10 Troubleshooting
The lifetime of the enclosed batteries in the bent end is ap-
proximately three (3) years. If the battery capacity at opera-
tion start is to low, the cleaner will then be shut o . If the
cleaner would not start or the power regulation via the hose
handle does not work, you must replace the batteries at the
hose handle. Replace to battery type 1.5V AAA. For more in-
formation and trouble shooting see chapter 10 in this instruc-
tion for use.
How to replace battery at the
hose handle
1) Open the lid of the battery
holder by sliding the lid towards
the front of the hose handle.
2) Replace the used batteries with
two new ones, type 1.5V AAA.
Make sure the polarity of the
batteries is placed correct at the
3) Slide the battery lid back until
you hear a click.
regulation +
regulation -
Bag/ lter
Low battery

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk Supreme LCD

Nilfisk Supreme LCD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 27 pagina's

Nilfisk Supreme LCD Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 26 pagina's

Nilfisk Supreme LCD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 25 pagina's

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