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6.3 Supreme LCD Display
The Supreme LCD model has a display giving information
about the machine, Fig. 21.
Speed level
When the start button is pushed or the hose is con-
nected to the wall socket, the display will turn on and
show the speed level.
Dust bag/bag lter indicator
When the dust bag/ lter symbol starts to ash dur-
ing operation, the cleaner tells you that it is almost time to
clean the bag lter and replace the dust bag When it is time
to do so, symbol will be lit continuously. The dust bag/ ler
symbol will be lightened after every 20 operation hours of the
cleaner at the latest. If the symbol is lit, do like this: Turn off
the cleaner by the hose handle (remote versions) or remove
the suction hose from the wall inlet or by pushing the on/off
switch on the display. Then check if the bag lter/dust bag is
clogged. Replacement is described in chapters 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
and 7.4.
Reduced air ow indicator - lit
The reduced air ow symbol on the display indi-
cates that the air ow through the vacuum cleaner is
reduced. After 30 seconds of operation with reduced air ow,
the vacuum motor will be shot down in order to prevent dam-
age to the motor. If the reduced air ow symbol is lit and the
motor has been shut down, do like this: Check the bag lter
and dust bag (see chapters 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4) to see if
anything is blocking the air ow. Remove the material causing
the reduced air ow symbol to indicate.
Service indicator
When the service symbol starts ashing, the motor will
run for one more hour before it stops/will not start. The
purpose of the service symbol is to inform you that it is time
to order service of the cleaner. When the symbol is continu-
ously lit, the run time counter in the cleaner has counted that
the allowed amount of run time has passed. You must now
contact an authorised service workshop and let them perform
a service of the cleaner and to reset the run time counter.
Overheat indicator - ashing
The overheat symbol indicates that the cleaner has
become overheated. The cleaner stops automatically.
Unplug the main power cord to reset the vacuum cleaner
and wait 5-10 minutes to allow the machine to cool down.
While you are waiting, check the hose, dust bag and lter to
be sure that nothing is blocking the ow of air through the
Signal indicator - ashing
When the symbol is ashing, the hose handle is out of
range and there is no connection to the cleaner. The
cleaner will automatically stop after 30 min. if the hose handle
or the cleaner has not been activated.
Fig. 21

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk Supreme LCD

Nilfisk Supreme LCD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 27 pagina's

Nilfisk Supreme LCD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 25 pagina's

Nilfisk Supreme LCD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk, Svenska, Suomi - 89 pagina's

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