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Changing the exhaust lter
The exhaust filter is on some variants
of HEPA type (High Efficiency
Particulate Air filter) model.The filter
cleans exhaust air from micro particles
that are not not captured by the
vacuum bag and prefilter. The HEPA
filter or the exhaust filter can not be
brushed or washed clean. Change the
filter at least once per year. Always
use original HEPA filters and exhaust
filters from Nilfisk.
1. Release the lid on the back of the
vacuum cleaner. This is done by
pressing the locking button
upwards. Remove the lid from the
2. Remove the used HEPA filter.
3. Insert the new HEPA filter.
Do not touch the surface of the
filter. Handle using the plastic
frame that surrounds the filter.
Check that the HEPA filter is
installed correctly.
4. Replace the lid on the machine.
This is done by inserting the flaps
on the top of the lid in the cor-
responding notches on the
5. Then press the lower edge of the
lid so the lock closes the lid.
Washable HEPA filter
Some models have washable HEPA
Rinse the inside of the filter using
lukewarm tap water. Do not use any
cleaning agents and avoid touching
the filter surface. Tap the filter frame
to remove the water.
Do not use an external heat source,
e.g. a radiator or direct sunlight to dry
the filter.
Make sure to let the filter dry before
putting it back into the vacuum
Adjust the suction power
Suction power is controlled using the
sliding valve on the hose handle.
Suction power is maximal when the
sliding valve is closed and minimal
when open. Adjust the suction power
by moving the sliding valve in
appropriate position.
Suction power is also adjusted using
the slide control on top of the vacuum
cleaner. The symbol on the control
indicates the direction for maximum
and minimum suction power.

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