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Original Instructions10
Safety Instructions
Before rst use of the machine, this instruction
manual must be read through carefully. Save
instructions for later use.
Safety instructions marked with this symbol
must be observed to prevent personal injury
or serious damage to property.
Purpose and intended use
The vacuum cleaner is suitable for private use only,
e.g. for household, hobby workshops, car cleaning
sucking up non-hazardous dust and non-fl ammable
This appliance can be used by children aged from
8 years and above and persons with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack
of experience and knowledge if they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use
of the appliance in a safe way and understand
the hazards involved.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance.
Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be
made by children without supervision.
The vacuum cleaner is suitable for private
use, e.g. for household, hobby workshops, car
cleaning-sucking up non-hazardous dust and
non-fl ammable liquids.
Never spray water on the upper section of the
vacuum cleaner. Danger for persons, risk of
short- circuiting.
The vacuum cleaner features a blow function. Do
not blow the air out in the open space. Only use
the blow function with a clean tube. Dust may be
harmful to health.
Vacuuming up hazardous materials can lead
to serious or even fatal injuries. The following
materials must not be picked up by the vacuum
cleaner: Hazardous dust; Hot materials (burning
cigarettes, hot ashes etc.); Flammable, explosive,
aggressive liquids (e.g. petrol, solvent, acids,
alkalis, etc.); Flammable, explosive dust (e.g.
magnesium or aluminium dust etc.). The list is
not comprehensive.
Do not handle the electrical cable or plug with
wet hands.
Do not unplug by pulling on cable. To unplug,
grasp the plug, not the cable.
Always remove the electric plug from the socket
before carrying out maintenance work on the
machine or cable.
No changes to the mechanical, electrical or
thermal safety devices must be made.
Never use the vacuum cleaner if the fi lter is not
installed or if damaged.
Before using the vacuum cleaner make sure
that the voltage shown on the rating plate of the
vacuum cleaner corresponds to the voltage of
the local mains power supply. It is recommended
that the vacuum cleaner should be connected
via a residual current circuit breaker.
The vacuum cleaner must not be used if the
electrical cable or plug shows any sign of
damage. Regularly inspect the cable and the
plug for damage. If the power cord is damaged,
it must be replaced by Nilfi sk Service or an
electrician to avoid danger before use of the
vacuum cleaner is continued.
Please refer to our website at www.nilfi sk.com for
further instructions and information on use. • For
Service, contact your local dealer.
Nilfi sk disclaims all responsibility for all damage
caused by incorrect use or modifi cation of the machine.
Please refer to our website at www.nilfi sk.com for
further instructions and information on use.
The symbol
indicates that this appliance may
not be discarded together with household waste,
but must be collected separately. Please dispose
old appliances at the applicable collection point for

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk Multi II 30

Nilfisk Multi II 30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Nilfisk Multi II 30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Nilfisk Multi II 30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

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