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The pre fi lter catches any dirt spilled from the bag, before it can enter
the vacuum motor. The fi lter is located below the bag.
Clean the fi lter every third time that the bag is changed (more often in
very dusty applications).
To clean/replace the Pre Filter.
1. Disconnect the power cord from the electrical outlet. Then
push the Dust lid button (16) in and remove the dust lid (5).
2. Grasp at the fi lter holder and pull the holder out from the
Dust compartment.
3. Remove the dirty fi lter from the fi lter holder and replace with a
new pre fi lter.
The pre fi lter may also be washed. Wash it in warm
water. Let the fi lter dry completely before putting it back into
the fi lter holder.
4. This machine is also equipped with a deodorizer pad (an anti
smell). It´s a located in the pre fi lter holder.
Replace it to a new deodorize pad when the function begins to
5. Put back the new/washed fi lter into the holder. Then put back the
holder with fi lter in place in the bag housing.
6. Fit the two notches of the back cover to the two slots at the lower
part of the bag housing, and push the back cover back
in place at the housing.
Never operate the machine without the pre-fi lter in place.
1. Disconnect the power cord from the electrical outlet.
Push the Filter Cover Latch
(19) downwards so that the Filter
(18) is released.
2. Remove the cover with the fi lter, from the cleaner.
3. Remove the used and dirty exhaust fi lter.
4. Insert a new exhaust fi lter to the fi lter cover.
5. Snap the Filter Cover back in place on the cleaner.
Unplug the Power Cord from the electrical outlet.
2. If the Dust Bag Full” Indicator (15) not has been lightened
during operation - the dust bag still has fi lling capacity. Open
the dust housing cover to ensure that the dust bag is not
full, replace if necessary. See also separate instructions for
replacing the dust bag. Clean the bag housing, if necessary.
Wind up the cord (starting from the machine inlet side).
Store the cord at the hook at the Dust lid cover and the hook
at the handle.
Check the brush house. Remove any built-up carpet fi bers or
debris from the brush and the brush housing.
6. Store the machine indoors in a clean, dry place.
Never operate the machine without the Exhaust Filter in
place at the machine.
823 0102 000 Instruction for use GU 305, GU 355, GU 355 DUAL, GU 455 DUAL EU 1.indd 11823 0102 000 Instruction for use GU 305, GU 355, GU 355 DUAL, GU 455 DUAL EU 1.indd 11 2008-04-17 09:36:352008-04-17 09:36:35

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