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GU 305, GU 355, GU 355-DUAL, GU 455-DUAL is designed,
developed and rigorously tested to function effi ciently and safely
when properly maintained and used in accordance with the fol-
lowing instructions. These instructions have been prepared with
safety and effi ciency paramount.
The MACHINE OPERATOR must be trained by a suitably quali-
ed instructor, and be made aware of the relevant regulations and
legislation currently in force at the time of use.
CAUTION - This machine MUST NOT be used in explosive or
infl ammable atmospheres or where such atmospheres are likely
to be produced by the presence of volatile liquid or infl ammable
gas or vapour.
CAUTION - In no circumstances should the power supply cord be
wrapped around fi ngers or any part of the operators person.
CAUTION - The electrical supply plug must not be subjected to
undue stress by pulling on the power supply cord.
Your MACHINE must only be connected to an electrical supply of
the same voltage and frequency as indicated on the rating plate.
Ensure that the plug fi tted to the end of the power supply cord is
suitable for your supply socket, if not refer to the information con-
tained in ’Electrical Connections’, or consult a qualifi ed electrician.
The electrical installation from which the supply is drawn must
be maintained to current Institute of Electrical Engineers wiring
REGULAR SERVICING and INSPECTION of your machine must
be carried out by suitably qualifi ed personnel in accordance with
relevant legislation and regulations. In particular, electrical tests
for earth continuity, insulation resistance, and condition of the
exible cord should be checked frequently. In the event of any
defect the machine MUST be withdrawn from service, completely
checked and repaired.
Trained Service Engineers will be pleased to carry out on site ser-
vicing on a regular or as requested basis, to ensure the continuing
safety and effi ciency of your machine.
(Only applicable to UK)
240 volt 50 Hz. machines are fi tted with a 13 amp. 3 pin moulded
plug. the plug is fi tted with a 13 amp. detachable fuse. The correct
replacement for the fuse is identifi ed by marking or colour coding.
Only fuses that are ASTA approved to BS 1362 should be fi tted.
Never use the plug without the fuse cover fi tted. Replacement fuse
covers are available at any electrical retail outlet.
If the available socket outlet is not suitable for the plug supplied,
the plug must be cut off and an appropriate plug fi tted. The plug
thus cut off MUST BE DESTROYED for safety reasons before being
disposed of.
Machines built for other voltages and frequencies are not normally
supplied with a fi tted plug.
If it is necessary to fi t a plug, the wires in this power supply cord are
coloured in accordance with the following code:
If using a three-pin plug, do not make any connection to the the terminal
in the plug which is marked with the letter ‘E’ or by the safety earth
symbol or coloured green or green & yellow. This machine is
double-insulated and no earth connection is necessary.
The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal
in the plug which is marked with the letter ‘N’ or is coloured black or
blue. The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the
terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter ‘L or is coloured
red or brown. If the plug to be fi tted does not conform to the above
notation then consult a qualifi ed electrician.
823 0102 000 Instruction for use GU 305, GU 355, GU 355 DUAL, GU 455 DUAL EU 1.indd 4823 0102 000 Instruction for use GU 305, GU 355, GU 355 DUAL, GU 455 DUAL EU 1.indd 4 2008-04-17 09:36:292008-04-17 09:36:29

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