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Caution: Do not use this appliance for vacuuming
dust which may be considered hazardous to health.
Do not use to pick up fl ammable or combustible liquids
such as gasoline, or use in areas where they may be
Do not allow it to be used as a toy. Close attention is
necessary when used near children.
Do not use unless fi lters and dustbag are fi tted.
If the cleaner is not working properly or has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped into water,
return it to a service center or dealer.
Use only as described in this manual and only with
the manufacturers recommended attachments.
check the rating plate to see if the rated voltage agrees
within 10% of the voltage available.
This appliance is provided with double insulation.
Use only identical replacement parts.
See instructions for servicing of double insulated
In a double-insulated appliance, two systems of insulation are
provided instead of earthing. No earthing means is provided
on a double-insulated appliance, nor should a means for
earthing be added to the appliance. Servicing a double-insu-
lated appliance requires extreme care and knowledge of the
system, and should be done only by qualifi ed service per-
sonnel. Replacement parts for a double-insulated appliance
must be identical to the parts they replace. A double insulated
appliance is marked with the words ”DOUBLE INSULATION”
The symbol (square within a square) may also be used
on the product.
This appliance conforms with EC-Directive CEE 73/23, CEE
93/68, CEE 89/336.
This vacuum cleaner is to be used for commercial use.
Accidents due to misuse can only be prevented by
those using the machine. When using an electrical app-
liance, basic precautions should always be followed,
including the following: Never use the machine on wet
surfaces. Read and follow all safety instructions.
To reduce the risk of fi re, electric shock, or injury, please
read and follow all safety instructions and caution markings
before use.
This vacuum cleaner is designed to be safe when used to
for cleaning functions as specifi ed. Should damage occur
to electrical or mechanical parts, the cleaner and / or ac-
cessory should be repaired by the manufacturer or com-
petent service station before use in order to avoid further
damage to the machine or physical injury to the user.
Do not use outdoors or on wet surfaces.
Disconnect the cleaner before servicing and when not in
use. Do not leave the cleaner plugged in unattended.
Do not use with damaged cord or plug. To unplug grasp
the plug, not the cord. Do not handle plug or cleaner with
wet hands. Turn off all controls before unplugging.
Do not pull or carry by cord, use cord as a handle,
close a door on cord, or pull cord around sharp edges
or corners. Do not run cleaner over cord. Keep cord away
from heated surfaces.
This machine creates and containes a revolving brush
roll. Keep hair, loose clothing, fi ngers and all parts of the
body away from openings and moving parts. Do not put
any objects into openings or use with opening blocked.
Keep openings free from dust, lint, hair, and anything
else that could reduce the fl ow of air.
Do not pick up anything that is burning or smoking, such
as cigarettes, matches, or hot ashes.
Use extra care when using on stairs.
This appliance is not to be used by children or persons
with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have
been given supervision or instruction.
Children must be supervised not to play with the
Never attempt to vacuum liquid, glass fragments or ashes!
Wet surfaces can expose the operator to possible electrical
823 0102 000 Instruction for use GU 305, GU 355, GU 355 DUAL, GU 455 DUAL EU 1.indd 5823 0102 000 Instruction for use GU 305, GU 355, GU 355 DUAL, GU 455 DUAL EU 1.indd 5 2008-04-17 09:36:292008-04-17 09:36:29

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