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Original Instructions 3
Supervise children not to play with the machine.
The operator and any one in the immediate vicinity
of the site for cleaning should take action to protect
oneself from being struck by debris dislodged during
Always wear safety boots, respiratory mask, ear
protection, goggles and protective clothing during
The high pressure generated by the machine is a
particular source of danger. Hold the spray lance
rmly with both hands. The spray lance is aected
by a kickback force and a sudden torque during
See PART 3:3 for the actual size of the kickback
During transportation: Position the machine
horizontally on the backside and secure with straps.
Within EU
High pressure washers shall not be used nor
maintained by children. The machine can be used
by people with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge
if given supervision or instructions concerning use
of the machine in a safe way and understands the
hazards involved.
Outside EU
High pressure washers shall not be used nor
maintained by children or untrained people or
people with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge.
Part 2:3 - User Guide
Provides a general overview of the machine and
operation elements along with illustrated sections on
preparation, operation, water connection, storage,
and user maintenance.
A Unpacking and preparing for use
Follow illustrations in A.
B Connection to potable water mains
High pressure washers are not suitable for
connection to the potable water mains. Always check
national regulations before connecting the machine
to potable water mains and use a back-ow preventer
if required.
Use ½" garden hose, 10-25 m.
Follow illustrations in B.
C Connection to other water sources
You can connect the machine to e.g. rain water
vessels, rivers, lakes and cisterns etc. and operate
it in suction mode. Follow illustrations in C.
D Pairing of spray handle and machine
C-PG and D-PG series only. After battery insert, D1.1,
you have 2 min. to pair spray handle and machine.
The light will ash orange when searching for the
machine. When paired, the light will turn o. Follow
illustrations D1.1 to D1.5. If pairing aborts, do pairing
according to illustrations D2.1 to D2.5. Power regulation
is indicated by green light, see illustration D3.1 and
Leaving the machine unattended > 5 min.
See listed warnings. Follow the illustrations in E.
F After use and storage
After use always: Turn o the machine. Empty machine
and accessories of water to avoid frost damage.
Remove the plug from socket. Disconnect water inlet
hose. Wind up electrical cable and high pressure
hose to avoid damage of cable, high pressure hose
and ttings. Storage of machine shall be frost free.
Follow illustrations in F.
G Maintenance, inspection and repair
Maintenance of the machine should always be done
when starting up after long time of storage.
Before use, always inspect the machine and
equipment for damages. In case of damages, act
according to listed warnings.
Do not attempt any maintenance not described
in the instructions. If the machine refuses to start,
stops, pulsates, pressure uctuates, motor buzzes,
fuse blows or no water comes out, check the trouble
shooting diagram at our website www.get-started.
nilsk.com. Any repair should always be made in
Nilsk authorized workshop with original Nilsk
spare parts.
User maintenance according to illustrations in G.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk C 125.7 X-TRA

Nilfisk C 125.7 X-TRA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Nilfisk C 125.7 X-TRA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 15 pagina's

Nilfisk C 125.7 X-TRA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 15 pagina's

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