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Safety instructions
Do not use the machine without
dust bag and filters properly fitted.
This machine is not intended for
the suction of hazardous materi-
als or gas, doing so may expose
people to serious health risks.
The machine must not be used for
the suction of water or other liquids.
Do not pick up sharp objects such
as needles or pieces of glass.
Do not pick up anything that is
burning or smoking such as ciga-
rettes, matches or hot ashes.
Use and store this machine indoors
and in a dry environment, 0 °C to
60 °C.
Do not use the machine outdoors.
Do not handle the machine with
wet hands.
Turn off the machine before un-
To unplug, grasp the plug, not by
pulling on the cord. Do not carry or
pull the machine by the cord.
The machine must not be used if
the cord shows any sign of dam-
age. Regularly inspect the cord for
damage, in particular if it has been
crushed, shut in a door or run over
Do not use the machine if it ap-
pears faulty. Have the machine
inspected by an authorized service
center if the machine has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors or
has been exposed to water
No changes or modifications to
the mechanical or electrical safety
devices should be made.
All repairs must be carried out by
an authorized service center.
Use only original dust bags, original
filters and original accessories from
your local dealer
. Use of unauthor-
ized dust bags and filters will void
the warranty
Turn off the machine and unplug
before starting dust bag or filter
change, grasp the plug, not by pull-
ing on the cord.
Do not use the machine as a toy.
Do not leave children with the
machine without supervision.
This appliance is not intended for
use by young persons or infirm
persons without supervision unless
they have been adequately super-
vised by a responsible person to
ensure that they can use the appli-
ance safely
. Young children should
be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the appliance.
If the supply cord is damaged, it
must be replaced by the manufac-
turer or its service agent or similary
qualified person in order to avoid a

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