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28 SCRUBTEC R 466 - R 471 - R 471C - BOOST
R4 9098960000(1)2011-04 A
(For machines with Chemical Mixing System)
To remove the detergent remained in the hoses and in the pump, perform the following procedure.1.
Turn on the machine by turning the ignition key (58) to “I”.2.
Press the switch (53). Check that the switch LED (54) turns on.3.
Press the switches (53 and 59) at the same time, until the switch LED (54) starts ashing (after about 5 seconds).4.
Release the switches and wait for the LED (54) to stop ashing and for the vacuum system to turn on.5.
Collect the detergent remained on the oor.6.
Turn the ignition key (58) to “0”.7.
Lift the tank (19), then check that the detergent tank hose (42) is empty, otherwise perform steps 3 to 7 again.8.
The draining cycle lasts about 30 seconds, then the vacuum function automatically turns on, which allows to remove the
detergent remained.
The draining cycle can also be performed with the detergent tank (42) full of water, thus cleaning the system thoroughly.
It is advisable to perform this type of draining to clean the Chemical Mixing System from dirt and deposits if the machine
has not been used/cleaned for a long time.
The draining cycle can be performed also to quickly ll the detergent supply hose when the tank (42) is full but the
system is still empty.
If necessary, the draining cycle can be repeatedly performed.
All machine electrical circuits are protected by auto-resettable electronic devices. The safety fuses activates only in case
of serious damage.
It is recommended to have the fuses replaced by quali ed personnel only.
Refer to the Service Manual available at any Nil sk Alto Retailer.
The machine is equipped with the following safety functions.
It is located in an easily accessible position (8). Press it rmly in case of immediate necessity to stop all machine functions.
To reset the machine operation, lift the tank assembly (44) and reconnect the battery connector (9).
This system reduces the speed when turning and when the machine tilts laterally to avoid sudden skids, this increasing the machine
stability in any condition.
It is inside the driver’s seat and it prevents the machine movement when the operator is not on the seat.
It is built-in the front wheel and keeps the machine braked when the machine is off or stopped.
9098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 289098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 28 07/04/2011 15:59:2307/04/2011 15:59:23

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