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9098960000(1)2011-04 A SCRUBTEC R 466 - R 471 - R 471C - BOOST
R4 17
Solution/clean water tank lling
If the machine is equipped with Chemical Mixing System (optional) the tank must be lled with clean water, otherwise the
tank must be lled with solution.
Use only low-foam and non- ammable detergents, intended for automatic scrubber applications.
When using oor cleaning detergents, follow the instructions on the labels of the detergent bottles.
To handle oor cleaning detergents, wear suitable gloves and protections.
Open the ller neck (23).1.
(For machines without Chemical Mixing System)2.
Fill the tank (22) with a solution suitable for the work to be performed.
Do not ll the tank (22) completely, leave a few inches from the edge of the ller neck (23).
Always follow the dilution instructions on the label of the chemical product used to prepare the solution.
The solution temperature must not exceed 40 °C.
(For machines with Chemical Mixing System)
Fill the tank (22) with clean water.
Do not ll the tank (22) completely, leave a few inches from the edge of the ller neck (23).
The water temperature must not exceed 40 °C.
Detergent tank replacement (for machines with Chemical Mixing System)
Open the cover (20) and check that the recovery tank (19) is empty, otherwise empty it with the drain hose (24).1.
Close the cover (20).2.
Carefully lift the tank assembly (44).3.
Open the detergent tank plug (42).4.
Remove the empty container and replace it with a new one.5.
Insert the hose properly and screw down the plug on the detergent tank.6.
If the detergent tank is empty (in case of new system, system emptied for cleaning, etc.), in order to ll the hose quickly,
it may be useful to drain the Chemical Mixing System once or several times (see the procedure in Maintenance chapter).
Drivers position adjustment
Using the lever (73), adjust the height of the steering wheel (1) to reach a comfortable position.1.
9098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 179098960000(1)2011-04 A.indb 17 07/04/2011 15:59:2107/04/2011 15:59:21

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