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Options / model variants
Original instruction
NEPTUNE 5 / 7 / 8
US only:
This warranty is in effect from the first
day of purchase by the end user.
Each machine will have one (1)
year coverage, from date of pur-
chase by the end user, covering
parts found defective due to faulty
components, materials and/or bad
workmanship. Not included in this
warranty coverage are parts found
defective due to:
- Normal wear and tear
(such as seals, valves, pistons,
bearings, etc.)
- Machine working under
abnormal conditions.
- Machines being misused.
- Machines being repaired
9.3 Technical data
or tampered with by unauthor-
ized person(s).
- The use of parts other
than Nilfisk-Alto Cleaning Sys-
tems, Inc. original spare parts
and/or accessories.
The burner coil on all Nilfisk-Alto
Cleaning Systems, Inc. hot wa-
ter/steam cleaners is under war-
ranty for five (5) years against
defects, and the high pressure
hose is covered for an initial 30
days, under the same conditions
described above.
Nilfisk-Alto Cleaning Systems,
Inc. will cover labor by an au-
thorized Nilfisk-Alto CSI Deal-
er for a 12-month period after
the date of purchase of the
machine by the end user.
No other costs, other than laid
out in this warranty program,
will be covered by the warranty.
Dated, End-User proof of pur-
chase must be submitted with
any claim for Warranty Service.
5-27 5-28
5-42 5-45 5-49
5-54 5-57
7-66 8-103
Voltage 110 V /1~/ 50Hz
Voltage 200 V / 3~/ 50Hz
(JP) (JP)
Voltage 200 V / 3~/ 60Hz
(JP) (JP)
Voltage 220 V / 1~/ 60Hz
(US) (US)
Voltage 220-440 V/ 3~/ 60Hz
(US) (KR) (KR) (US)
Voltage 230 V /1~/ 50Hz
(EU) (GB) (GB)
Voltage 230-400 V/ 3~/ 50Hz
Voltage 400 V / 3~/ 50Hz
(EU) (EU) (EU) (EU) (EU)
Fuse (slow)
A 16 32 (110V)
13 (230V)
16 (EU)
25/16 NO,BE,IT)
25 (JP)
30 16 (EU)
25/16 NO,BE,IT)
30 16 (EU)
32 (NO,BE,IT)
25 (KR)
13 30 16 (EU)
25/16 (NO,BE,IT)
30 (JP), 25 (KR)
30 25
Protection Class IPX5
Power rating
kW 3,3 3,0 5,6 6.6 6,9 6.6 7,9 3,0 6.6 8,3 9.1 13
Working pressure
bar/MPa 110/11 90/9 (110V)
95/9.5 (230V)
170 / 17
165 / 16,5 (JP)
150/15 180 / 18 172/17 200 / 20 90/9 159/16 175 / 17,5 214/21 180/18
Permissible pressure
bar/MPa 200/20 250/25 200/20 250/25
Volume fl ow (max)
l/h 720 720 (110V)
770 (230V)
860 (EU,NO,BE,IT)
910 (JP, 50Hz)
860 (JP, 60Hz)
970 1080 720 1260 2000
Volume fl ow Q
l/h 630 660 (110V)
730 (230V)
800 (EU,NO,BE,IT)
830 (JP)
908 900 1020 1000 660 1135 1170 1135 1950
Permissible temperature
°C 80-140 80-150 80-140 80-150 80-140 100-140 90-150 100-140 90-150 70-140
Max. water inlet temperature
°C 40 30 40 30 40 30 40 30 40
Max. water inlet pressure
bar/MPa 10 / 1
Dimensions l x w x h
mm 1190 x 702 x 987 1190 x 702 x 1020
kg 175, 182(X2) 180 184, 189(X) 217, 222(X), 224(X2) 228
Noise level at a distance of 1
m EN 60704-1
dB(A) 71,8 73,8 75.8 74,1 72,5 76.6 80,2
Sound power level LW
dB(A) 86,9 88,8 90.2 89,1 87,6 91.7 95,3
Recoil forces
N 26 25/28 42 44 47 53 55 25 52 61 65 103
Fuel tank
l 35
Detergent tank A / B
l 15 / 10
Oil quantity
l 1,0 2,15
Oil type
SAE 15W-40 Castrol AlphaSyn-T ISO 150 SAE

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk-ALTO Neptune 8

Nilfisk-ALTO Neptune 8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO Neptune 8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 23 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO Neptune 8 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 23 pagina's

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