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Original instructions
1 Important safety instructions
Symbols used to mark
Before using
the high-pres-
be sure to also
read the en-
closed operating
instructions and keep them
within reach at all times.
For your own safety
The appliance must
only be used by persons,
who have been instructed in
its correct usage and explic-
itly commissioned with the
task of operating it
only be operated under su-
not to be used by children.
This appliance is not intended
for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities,
or lack of experience and knowl-
High pressure cleaners shall not
be used by children or untrained
Children should be supervised
to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
High-pressure water jets can
be dangerous if misused. The
jet must not be directed at per-
sons, animals, live electrical
equipment or the cleaner itself.
Wear protective clothing, ear
protection and safety goggles.
Do not use the cleaner when
other people without protective
clothing are in the working area.
Do not direct the jet towards
yourself or towards other per-
sons in order to clean clothes or
During operation of the cleaner,
recoil forces are produced at
the spraying device and, when
the spray lance is held at an
angle, a torque is also created.
The spraying device must
therefore be held firmly in both
Use of the high-pressure clean-
er is subject to the applicable
local regulations.
Besides the operating instruc-
tions and the binding accident
prevention regulations valid in
the country of use, observe rec-
ognised regulations for safety
and proper use.
Do not use any unsafe work
Transport of the high-pressure
cleaner is easy on its large
For safe transport in and on ve-
hicles we recommend prevent-
ing the equipment from sliding
and tilting. Secure it with belts
and apply the parking brake on
the castor.
For transport at temperatures
around or below 0°C, anti-
freeze should be drawn into the
pump beforehand (see chapter
Before starting the cleaner
If your 3-phase cleaner was
supplied without a plug, have
it fitted with a suitable 3-phase
plug with earth conductor, by an
Each time prior to putting the
Safety instructions
in these operat-
ing instructions
which must be
observed to
prevent risks
to persons are marked with this
danger symbol.
This symbol is
used to mark safety
instructions that
must be observed
to prevent damage
to the machine and its
This indi-
cates tips
and instruc-
tions to simplify
work and to ensure safe
marked with
this symbol
should only
be carried out
by Alto Service

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk-ALTO Neptune 3

Nilfisk-ALTO Neptune 3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 21 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO Neptune 3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 21 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO Neptune 3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 21 pagina's

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