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Optional accessories / Option depending on model
Original Instructions
1 Important safety instructions
Symbols used to mark
Prior to using the appliance for the first time, be sure to read
this document through and keep it ready to hand.
Danger that leads directly to serious or irreversible injuries,
or even death.
Danger that can lead to serious injuries or even death.
Danger that can lead to minor injuries and damage.
The appliance must
• only be used by persons, who have been instructed in its correct
usage and explicitly commissioned with the task of operating it
only be operated under supervision
This machine is not intended for use by persons (including chil-
dren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
lack of experience and knowledge.
Children shall be supervised to make sure that they do not play
with the appliance.
1. Do not use any unsafe work techniques.
2. Never use the vacuum cleaner without a filter.
3. Switch off the appliance and disconnect the mains plug in the
following situations:
- Prior to cleaning and servicing
- Prior to replacing components
- If foam develops or liquid emerges
Besides the operating instructions and the binding accident preven-
tion regulations valid in the country of use, observe recognised regu-
lations for safety and proper use.
Purpose and intended use
The appliance is suitable for picking up dry, non-flammable dust and
Do not use the ATTIX 963-21 ED XC to pick up liquids.
The appliance is suitable for commercial use, such as e.g. in
• Hotels
• Schools
• Hospitals
• Factories
• Shops
• Offices
• Hire shops

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk-ALTO ATTIX 965-21 SD XC

Nilfisk-ALTO ATTIX 965-21 SD XC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 29 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO ATTIX 965-21 SD XC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO ATTIX 965-21 SD XC Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 28 pagina's

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