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ATTIX 360-2M
ATTIX 550-2M / ATTIX 560-2MXC
ATTIX 751-2M / ATTIX 761-2MXC
Option depending on model
Precautions and safety regu-
lations when using the vacu-
um cleaner
Before start-up
Inspect power cord regularly
to detect signs of damage, e.g.
cracks or ageing.
If the power cord is damaged,
it must be replaced by Nilfisk-
Alto-Service or an electrician to
avoid danger before use of the
vacuum cleaner is continued.
Use only the type of power
cord specified in the operating
Do not damage the power cord
(e.g. by moving over it or pulling
or crushing it).
Disconnect the power cord by
pulling the plug only (do not pull
or tug the power cord).
Inspect the vacuum cleaners to
ensure that they are in proper
condition. Plugs and couplings
in power cords must at least
have splash protection.
Never use the vacuum cleaner if
the filter element is damaged.
Picking up liquids
If foam develops or liquid
emerges, stop work immediately
and empty the dirt tank.
Regularly clean the built in float
(ATTIX 360-2M/550-2M/751-
2M) and level indicator hose
(ATTIX 560-2MXC/761-2MXC)
to limit the water level and check
that they are not damaged.
See section 5 for information on
handling liquids and (hazard-
ous) dust.
Electrical components
Check the rated voltage of the
vacuum cleaner before con-
necting it to the mains supply
system. Ensure that the voltage
shown on the rating plate cor-
responds to the voltage of the
local mains power supply.
If you are using an extension
cord, use only those specified
by the manufacturer or higher
quality ones (see section 9.4
„Technical data“).
It is recommended that the
vacuum cleaner should be con-
nected via a residual current
circuit breaker. This stops the
supply of electricity if the leak-
age current to earth exceeds 30
mA for 30 ms or it has an earth
tester circuit.
When using an extension lead,
check the minimum cross-sec-
tions of the cable:
Cable length
Cross section
<16 A <25 A
up to 20 m
ø1.5mm² ø2.5mm²
20 to 50 m
ø2.5mm² ø4.0mm²
Arrange the electrical parts
(sockets, plugs and couplings)
and lay down the extension lead
so that the protection class is
Never spray water on to the
upper section of the vacuum
cleaner. Danger for persons,
risk or short-circuiting.
Observe the latest edition of the
IEC regulations.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk-ALTO ATTIX 550-2M

Nilfisk-ALTO ATTIX 550-2M Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 18 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO ATTIX 550-2M Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO ATTIX 550-2M Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 18 pagina's

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