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q 82/625/626
In order to avoid having the paper bag tear while the
machine is running, it is advisable to open the bag before
installing it in the machine. This can be done by gently
pulling open the pleats
(a) that are on each side of the bag,
so that the cross section of the bag is almost square.
To avoid tearing the bag at the paper bag inlet (b), gently
push in and open the perforations
(c) in the paper of the
bag, just inside the hole of the rubber bag seal (
Install the opened bag in the lower container so that the
paper bag inlet
(b) is facing downward in the bottom of the
container. Then carefully grasp the cardboard tabs
(e) on
each side of the bag seal with both hands and slide the bag
seal over the inlet tube
(g). Start from the bottom of the inlet
tube and gently pull the seal over the inlet tube with a slight
rocking or twisting motion, pulling as far up as the ribs on
the inlet tube.
After the bag seal touches the ribs of the inlet tube, fold
back the sewn
(h) seam so it does not interfere with closing
the container. Expand the sides of the bag in the container
so that the top of the bag is even with the sides of the
Dust bag systems
For ease of handling and hygienic emptying, different kinds of
emptying and dust bag systems are available.
Disposable container
For hazardous dust, a disposable container is available. When
the container is full, it is sealed with a lid and a locking ring
making the container safe to dispose.
w Exhaust filter All models
Exhaust filters are used when absolutely clean exhaust air is
necessary. The exhaust filter is mounted on to the motor in
place of the diffuser.
The exhaust filter is easily fitted and the filter element is
A special handle and instructions for use are delivered
together with the exhaust filter.
e Blowing attachment
Remove the diffuser and sound absorber (see page 2)
Place the blowing adaptor 115620 on the motor. Each one
is kept in place by handle of the motor.
Fit the blowing attachment into the motor blowing adaptors.
Before connecting a hose make sure that it is clean - place
its open end in the container inlet for a moment with the
motors running and shake it.
r Sound suppressor All models
The sound level of the vacuum cleaner is low. If an even lower
sound level is required or desired, a sound suppressor can be
fitted on to the motor.
The sound suppressor are mounted in place of the diffuser
(see page 4).
The sound suppressor reduces the motor noise by another 4
dB corresponding to approximately 37%.
It is only possible at any one time to fit either exhaust
filters or blowing attachment or sound suppressors.
t Motor protection filter
For special filtration tasks, the lower part of the motor can be
fitted with a filter. This filter must be replaced on a regular
y Fixed floor nozzle 82/83/625/626
The fixed floor nozzle is mounted to the container
as follows:
The hinge lever is tipped forward.
The fixed pin is placed in the slot in the suspension and the
suspension and the brace is hooked on to it.
The spring loaded pin is located into the hole on the
opposite side of the container bracket.
Lift nozzle to allow hose to be connected to the container
inlet, turning the bayonet fitting clockwise.
To disconnect, reverse above procedure.
Adjustment of rubber blades
The distance of the rubber blades from the floor should be
about 1 mm, and the adjustment is made by means of the
two fingerscrews.
During idle periods or during transportation, the nozzle
should be raised from the floor by placing the nozzle brace
in the second notch on hinge level.
As an alternative a brush set consisting of floor brush strips
is available.
Always keep the cleaner in a dry place. The bearings in the
motor are pregreased and designed for continuous heavy
Depending on the number of running hours the dust filter
should be replaced.
For details of service or maintenance please contact NILFISK
the motor will not start
- a fuse may have blown and needs replacing.
- the cable or the wall socket may be defective and needs
the suction power is reduced
- the dust bag may be full and needs replacing,
see page 4.
- the container may be full and needs emptying,
see page 3-4.
- the filter may be clogged and needs shaking,
see page 3-4.
- the hose, tube or nozzle may be blocked and needs
to be cleared, see page 2-3.
- if the hose needs cleaning remove the locking ring, the
curved wand and the rubber coupling, see page XXX.
the vacuum cleaner stops
(USA and Canada only)
- the thermal cut-out has switched off the motor as a result
of an obstruction of the hose, wand or nozzle.
Remove the cause of the obstruction.
- when the motor is cool, it will automatically start again.
the motor will not stay locked in position on the
Only 90C
- The red locking lever in the container top is in the wrong
position. Push the lever in the direction of the arrow.

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