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Shutter Electronically controlled vertical-travel focal-plane shutter
Release terminal Available on the shutter release button
Shutter speeds • In ¡, £: 30 to 1/4000 sec.
• In : 30 to 1/4000 sec. (in 1/2 steps)
• In ¢: 30 to 1/4000 sec. (in 1/2 steps), buLb
Sync contact X-contact only; flash synchronisation up to 1/125 sec.
Built-in Speedlight Activated by pressing Speedlight lock-release button, guide number:
12 (at ISO 100, m); flash coverage: 28mm or longer lens; film speed
range: ISO 25 to ISO 800
Flash control Controlled by five-segment TTL Multi Sensor
• Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash with TTL Multi Sensor:
3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash and Multi-Sensor Balanced
• Standard TTL
• Film speed range: ISO 25-1000
* See pages 78-79 and 86-87 for details.
Flash sync mode Front-Curtain Sync (normal sync), Red-Eye Reduction, Red-Eye
Reduction with Slow Sync, Slow Sync, Rear-Curtain Sync
Ready-light Lights up when flash fully charged with built-in Speedlight, SB-80DX,
SB-50DX, SB-30, SB-29s/29, SB-28/28DX, SB-27, SB-23, etc.; blinks
(3 sec. after flash) for full output warning
Accessory shoe Standard ISO-type hot-shoe contact (sync contact, ready-light
contact, TTL auto flash contact, monitor contact, GND), safety lock
Self-timer Electronically controlled; timer duration: 10 sec.
Depth-of-field Stop-down lens aperture by pressing depth-of-field button
preview button
Film loading Film automatically advances to first frame when camera back is
closed (shutter and reflection mirror not activated)
Film advance Automatic advance with built-in motor; ı, ˜ selectable
• Film advance speed (with Manual focus, Manual exposure mode,
shutter speed 1/125 sec. or faster [imprint data between film frames
not selected for F80S], 36-exposure film)
ı: One frame advance
˜: Continuous shooting
Approx. 2.5 fps (fresh batteries)
Film rewind • Automatic rewind with built-in motor
• Rewind speed with 36-exposure film and fresh batteries:
High-speed film rewind: approx. 15 sec.,
Quiet film rewind: approx. 23 sec.
Multiple exposure Activated using film advance mode dial
LCD panel information DX indication, shutter speed/exposure compensation value, aperture,
(illuminator built-in) exposure compensation, flash exposure compensation, Auto
Exposure Bracketing, Bracketing bar graphs, Custom, Flexible
Program, flash sync mode, AF Area mode, focus area, battery power,
frame counter
Date/time imprint Built-in clock: 24-hour type with timing accuracy within ±90 seconds
function a month; leap year adjustment until 2049
(F80D/F80S only) Usable film: ISO 32 to 3200 DX-coded film
Display mode: Year/Month/Day, Day/Hour/Minute, No Imprint,
Month/Day/Year and Day/Month/Year
Shooting data Selected/cancelled with shooting data imprint dial
imprint function Imprinted data: Shutter speed, aperture and exposure compensation
(F80S only) value (selected compensation value)
Imprinted location: Between film frames
Camera back Hinged back with film confirmation window; AF Area mode selector,
focus area selector
F80D/F80S: Data imprint LCD panel/buttons
F80S: Shooting data imprint dial
Power source Two CR123A or DL123A lithium batteries; optional Battery Pack
MB-16 is also available (for four AA-type alkaline-manganese, lithium,
NiCd or Ni-MH batteries)
Power switch Power ON and OFF position
Exposure meter Auto meter shut-off 6 sec. after power turned on if no operations are
performed; activated by lightly pressing shutter release button after
power is turned on
Battery power In LCD panel, with exposure meter on
confirmation N for sufficient power
M indicates batteries are nearing exhaustion
• Blinking M indicates batteries are just about exhausted
F80 (E)-Thailand 02.12.27 5:21 PM Page 106

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Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 59 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 59 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 114 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 57 pagina's

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