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Multiple Exposur
Multiple Exposur
Long T
Long T
ime Exposur
ime Exposur
Compose picture, confirm focus indicator / and
The first shot is taken when the shutter release button is fully depressed.
The film does not advance and multiple exposures can be taken from the
second shutter release.
Z blinks in the viewfinder when the first shot is taken. The frame counters
in the LCD panel and viewfinder do not count up and the counter display
To cancel multiple exposure, set the film advance mode selector to a
position other than Z. Film is advanced when the exposure meter is on or
the shutter release button is lightly pressed. When the film is advanced, the
frame counter counts up.
c 14: The film advance mode in multiple exposure is normally set to single-
frame shooting. However, it can be set to continuous shooting (page
Rotate the Main-Command Dial to select buLb and
rotate the Sub-Command Dial to set the aperture.
This function is useful for shooting nighttime scenes or stars, which
require extended exposure of more than 30 sec. The shutter will be
open as long as the shutter release button is kept fully depressed. (Use
of a tripod is recommended.)
Rotate the exposure mode select dial to select ¢
(Manual exposure).
Use of a tripod is recommended to avoid camera shake. Using the optional
cable release (page 97) attached to the release terminal instead of pressing
the shutter release button with your finger also reduces camera shake.
Use the LCD illuminator (page 66) to view the LCD panel in the dark.
Compose picture, focus and shoot.
The shutter will be open as long as the shutter release button is kept fully
If buLb is selected in Manual exposure mode and the exposure mode is
changed to Shutter-Priority Auto without cancelling buLb, buLb blinks and
the shutter locks (page 52).
Continuous exposure of approx. 6 hours is possible with a fresh set of
lithium batteries. Note that continuous exposure time is reduced when
shooting at low temperatures.
F80 (E)-Thailand 02.12.27 5:21 PM Page 64

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Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 59 pagina's

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Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 114 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 57 pagina's

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