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LCD Panel/V
LCD Panel/V
iewfinder Display
iewfinder Display
LCD panel
DX indication (P. 36)
Flexible Program (P. 51)
Shutter speed/
Exposure compensation value
Custom Setting
(P. 70)
Flash sync mode (P. 80)
compensation (P. 60)
Frame counter
(P. 21)
Battery power
(P. 16)
Focus area (P. 42)
Bracketing bar graphs (P. 61)
About Nikon Advanced Focusing Screen Display
The new Nikon Advanced Focusing Screen Display of the F80/F80D/F80S employs the
convenient Vari-Brite Focus Area display system; it enables clear display of the focus
brackets at the selected focus area in the viewfinder for easy identification. When the finder
image is bright, the focus brackets are displayed in black and when the finder image is
dark, the focus brackets are momentarily illuminated in red. The selected focus area can be
identified easily in both bright and dark conditions with this function (page 72).
Also, the new Nikon Advanced Focusing Screen Display allows the superimposition of On-
Demand Grid Lines. The grid lines can be displayed by using Custom Setting Menu #4
(page 71). These grids assist you in composing the frame, in taking landscape pictures or in
shifting/tilting PC-Nikkor lenses.
* Due to characteristics of the LCD used in the Vari-Brite Focus Area display system, a thin line
outside the selected focus area may also be displayed or the entire viewfinder may be
illuminated in red under certain conditions. These are not malfunctions.
About LCD
The LCD panel and viewfinder displays tend to turn darker at high temperatures and slower
response time at low temperatures. On the other hand, the LCD in the Nikon Advanced
Focusing Screen Display tends to turn lighter at high temperatures and darker with slower
response time at low temperatures. In either case, when the temperature returns to normal,
the displays also return to normal.
Viewfinder Display
12mm-dia. reference circle for Centre-Weighted
Metering area (P. 49)
Metering system (P. 48)
Focus brackets (focus area) (P. 42)/
Spot Metering area (P. 49)
Frame counter (P. 21)/Exposure
compensation value (P. 60)/Flash
exposure compensation value (P. 85)
Flash ready-light (P. 79)
Exposure mode (P. 50-57)/Electronic
analog exposure display (P. 57)/
Exposure compensation value
display (P. 60)
Focus indicator (P. 27)
Multiple exposure (P. 63)/
AE-L (Auto exposure lock)
indicator (P. 58)
Shutter speed
Exposure compensation (P. 60)
On-Demand Grid Lines (P. 71)
Flash exposure
compensation (P. 85)
Auto Exposure Bracketing (P. 61)
Flash exposure compensation
(P. 85)
Focus area (P. 42)
CAUTION: About viewfinder
The viewfinder will be dark without battery power but brightens after installation
of fresh batteries. This is not a malfunction.
* The illustrations are fully labelled for your reference.
F80 (E)-Thailand 02.12.27 5:20 PM Page 4

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Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 59 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 59 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 114 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 57 pagina's

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