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Depth of field
The zone of sharpest focus in front of, behind and around the
subject on which the lens is focused. When this zone of
sharpness is large, the depth of field is said to be deep; when it
is small, the depth of field is said to be shallow. Depth of field
varies according to numerous factors such as focal length,
aperture, shooting distance, etc.
D-type Nikkor lenses
Nikkor lenses that send to the F70/F70D’s microcomputer the
Distance Information used for 3D Matrix Metering or 3D Multi-
Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash (with Nikon SB-28/SB-28DX/SB-27/
SB-26/SB-25 Speedlight).
Identified by the letter “D” which follows information on
maximum aperture (e.g., AF Zoom-Nikkor 35-80mm f/4-5.6D).
All AF-S/AF-I Nikkor lenses are D-type.
DX code
Film information code printed on film cartridge. The F70/F70D,
when set to automatic film speed setting mode, senses the film
speed (ISO 25 to 5000) of DX-coded film when it is loaded.
Exposure Value: A number representing the available
combinations of shutter speeds and apertures that give the
same exposure effect under conditions of similar scene
brightness and ISO.
At ISO 100, the combination of a one-second shutter speed
and an aperture of f/1.4 is defined as EV 1.
The camera may be used only within the EV range of the
exposure meter. For example, with the F70/F70D, the
exposure metering range is from EV –1 to EV 20 for Matrix
metering and Centre-Weighted metering, at ISO 100 with an
f/1.4 lens.
Exposure bracketing
Shooting the same subject at a range of different exposures.
The F70/F70D camera provides All Mode Exposure Bracketing
and Flash Exposure Bracketing.
Exposure compensation
Exposure compensation for available light is activated by
changing shutter speed and/or lens aperture— by Auto
exposure lock button, by exposure compensation function or
by exposure bracketing.
In flash photography with a Nikon-dedicated TTL Speedlight,
exposure compensation can also be performed by varying the
amount of flash output. (See "Flash Output Level
AE (Automatic Exposure) lock
Used to hold an automatically controlled shutter speed and/or
aperture. Recommended when the photographer wants to
control an exposure based on a scene’s particular brightness
area with Centre-Weighted or Spot Metering.
All Mode Exposure Bracketing
All Mode Exposure Bracketing performs automatic exposure
bracketing with varied shutter speed and/or aperture in all
exposure modes. (See "Exposure bracketing".)
Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash
A type of TTL auto flash operation which uses the camera’s
exposure meter to control ambient light exposure settings,
integrated with flash exposure control. That is, flash output level
is automatically compensated to balance with ambient light,
resulting in a better exposure for both subject and background.
Nikon’s Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash system includes: 3D
Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash, Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-
Flash, Matrix Balanced Fill-Flash*, Centre-Weighted Fill-Flash
and Spot Fill-Flash. 3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash and
Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash together comprise Automatic
Balanced Fill-Flash with TTL Multi-Sensor (p. 94). Performance
varies with the combination of camera body, Speedlight and
lens used
With the built-in flash or dedicated Nikon Speedlight, the
performs Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash with TTL
Multi-Sensor for a built-in flash or compatible Nikon TTL
Speedlight (p. 106).
Auto-Multi Program
With Auto-Multi Program, more than two combinations of
shutter speed/aperture are applied. When lens focal length in
use is shifted, shutter speed/aperture combination shifts while
maintaining correct exposure.
Balanced fill-flash operation
A technique in flash photography in which flash illumination is
controlled to balance it with the ambient light on the scene.
Continuous Servo AF
Focus detection continues for as long as the shutter release
button is lightly pressed and the reflex mirror is in the viewing
position. Useful when camera-to-subject distance is likely to
Central Processing Unit. The electronic component which
controls an electronic product’s functions.
AF Nikkor (including D-type AF Nikkor) and AI-P-Nikkor lenses
have built-in CPUs.
* Not available with F70/F70D camera.
F70D I/MêÊçsâ¸í˘ 03.1.16 5:33 PM Page 130

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