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D850 Movie Specifications
Image sensor
Image sensor 35.9× 23.9mm CMOS sensor
Total pixels 46.89 million
Image sensor cleaning, Image Dust O refer-
ence data (Capture NX-D software required)
XQD and SD (Secure Digital) memory cards and
UHS-II compliant SDHC and SDXC memory cards
Metering system TTL exposure metering using main image sensor
Metering mode Matrix, center-weighted, or highlight-weighted
Frame size (pixels)
and frame rate
3840× 2160 (4K UHD); 30p (progressive), 25p,
1920 × 1080; 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p
1280 × 720; 60p, 50p
1920×1080 (slow-mo); 30p ×4, 25p ×4, 24p ×5
Actual frame rates for 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, and
24p are 59.94, 50, 29.97, 25, and 23.976 fps re-
spectively; quality selection available at all sizes
except 3840× 2160 (when quality is fixed
at ) and 1920× 1080 slow-mo (when quality
is fixed at normal”)
Video sampling
Internal: 420, 8-bit
HDMI output: 422, 8-bit
File format MOV, MP4
Video compression H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding
Audio recording
48kHz, 16-bit, linear PCM, AAC
Audio recording
Built-in stereo or external microphone;
sensitivity adjustable
ISO sensitivity
Exposure Index)
Exposure modes P, S, and A: Auto ISO sensitivity
control (ISO 64 to Hi 2) with selectable upper
Exposure mode M: Auto ISO sensitivity control
(ISO 64 to Hi 2) available with selectable up-
per limit; manual selection (ISO 64 to 25600 in
steps of ⁄, ½, or 1EV) with additional options
available equivalent to approximately 0.3, 0.5,
0.7, 1, or 2 EV (ISO 102400 equivalent) above
ISO 25600
Active D-Lighting
Can be selected from Same as photo set‑
tings, Extra high, High, Normal, Low, or Off
Other options
Index marking, time-lapse movies, electronic
vibration reduction
White balance
White balance
Same as photo settings, Auto (3 types), natural
light auto, incandescent, fluorescent (7 types),
direct sunlight, cloudy, shade, preset manual
(up to 6 values can be stored, spot white bal-
ance measurement available during live view),
choose color temperature (2500K–10,000K), all
with fine-tuning
PIcture Control
Picture Control
Same as photo settings, Auto, Standard, Neutral,
Vivid, Monochrome, Portrait, Landscape, Flat; se-
lected Picture Control can be modified; storage
for custom Picture Controls
8-cm/3.2-in., approx. 2359k-dot (XGA) tilting
TFT touch-sensitive LCD with 170° viewing an-
gle, approximately 100% frame coverage, and
manual monitor brightness control
SuperSpeed USB (USB 3.0 Micro-B connector);
connection to built-in USB port is recommended
HDMI output Type C HDMI connector
Audio input
Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5mm diameter; plug-in
power supported)
Audio output Stereo mini-pin jack (3.5mm diameter)
Power source
One EN-EL15a rechargeable Li-ion battery;
EN-EL15 can also be used, but note that less
footage can be recorded on a single charge
than with an EN-EL15a
Battery pack
Optional MB-D18 multi-power battery pack
with one rechargeable Nikon EN-EL18b Li-ion
battery (available separately), one rechargeable
Nikon EN-EL15a Li-ion battery, or eight AA al-
kaline, Ni-MH, or lithium batteries. An MH-26a
or MH-26 battery charger and a BL-5 battery-
chamber cover (both available separately)
are required when using EN-EL18b batteries.
EN-EL18a, EN-EL18, and EN-EL15 batteries are
also supported, but note that less footage can
be recorded on a single charge with an EN-EL18
than with an EN-EL18b/EN-EL18a, and that less
footage can be recorded on a single charge
with an EN-EL15 than with an EN-EL15a.
AC adapter
EH-5c/EH-5b AC adapter; requires EP-5B power
connector (available separately)
Tripod socket
Tripod socket ¼in. (ISO 1222)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nikon D850

Nikon D850 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 274 pagina's

Nikon D850 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 404 pagina's

Nikon D850 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 274 pagina's

Nikon D850 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 404 pagina's

Nikon D850 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 60 pagina's

Nikon D850 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 274 pagina's

Nikon D850 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 404 pagina's

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