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Technical Notes—Caring for Your COOLWALKER MSV-01
To ensure continued enjoyment of your Nikon product, observe the following precautions when
storing or using the device:
This product is a high-precision device
containing internal hard disk. It
requires careful handling.
Damage to the hard disk will not only require
high repair expenses, but can also cause
corruption or irreversible loss of the stored
Do not subject to strong shocks or impacts.
Be careful not to drop or subject the device to
strong shocks, as this may cause damage to
the device and loss or corruption of the data
stored on the hard disk.
Use the device on stable flat surfaces, such as
on a flat table, taking care not to drop the
device or memory cards. Be especially careful
when inserting or removing memory cards.
Do not expose the device to shocks or vibra-
tion during operation.
It may damage the internal hard disk and
cause corruption or loss of the data stored on
the hard disk.
Do not remove memory cards, USB cables or
the AC adapter or turn the power off during
It may cause corruption or loss of the data
stored on the hard disk. To prevent an
accidental disconnection of the AC adapter or
USB cable, avoid carrying the product from
one place to another when the cables are
Keep away from strong magnetic fields.
Do not use or store this device in the vicinity
of equipment that generates strong
electromagnetic radiation or magnetic fields.
Strong static charges or the magnetic fields
produced by equipment such as radio
transmitters could cause corruption or loss of
the data stored on the hard disk, or
Do not use or leave the device in locations
where static electricity or interference occurs.
Static electricity or interference may cause
damage to the device, loss or corruption of
the data stored on the hard disk.
Static electricity may be generated in your body
or cloths. Touch a metal doornob or another
metal object to discharge static electricity from
your body before handling the device.
Static electricity may cause damage to the
device, loss or corruption of the data stored
on the hard disk.
When there is the possibility of thunder,
unplug all cables and the AC adapter.
Thunder may cause damage to the device, loss
or corruption of the data stored on the hard
disk. If it thunders during use, be careful not
to touch the power plug and stop using the
device till the thunderstorm stops.
Do not use or leave the device in locations
exposed to excessive dust.
Excessive dust may cause damage to the
device, loss or corruption of the data stored
on the hard disk.
Follow all precautions or instructions when
connecting the device to a computer.
When connecting the unit to a computer, be
careful to observe any precautions or
instructions provided by the manufacturer of
your computer or peripheral devices.
Do not use at heights exceeding 2,500 m
(8,202 ft) above sea level.
Ensure that your data is backed up
using another recording medium
Note, that Nikon will not be held responsible
for any deletion, loss or corruption of data.
You are advised to create a backup of
important data stored on the internal hard
disk of the device using an alternative
recording medium.
Data stored on the hard-disk of this product could
be lost or damaged in the following instances:
If the product is used incorrectly
If the product is exposed to static or noise
During malfunction and repair
If the product is subject to damage caused
by natural disasters
Nikon hereby gives notice that it will not be
held liable for any damages resulting from the
loss or corruption of data in the above or any
Caring for Your COOLWALKER MSV-01

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Nikon Coolwalker MSV-01 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 80 pagina's

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