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Introduction—For Your Safety
Thank you for your purchase of the Nikon COOLWALKER MSV-01 digital photo storage viewer.
This manual has been written to help you get the most out of your Nikon COOLWALKER MSV-01.
Read this manual thoroughly before use, and keep it where all those who use the product will
read it.
To make it easier to find the information you need, the following symbols and conventions are used:
To prevent damage to your Nikon product or injury to yourself or to others, read the following
safety precautions in their entirety before using this equipment. Keep these safety instructions
where all those who use the product will read them.
The consequences that could result from failure to observe the precautions listed in this section
are indicated by the following symbol:
Turn off immediately and unplug in
the event of malfunction
Should you notice excessive heat, smoke or
an unusual smell coming from the
equipment or from the AC adapter, unplug
the AC adapter and remove the battery pack
immediately, taking care to avoid burns.
Continued operation could result in injury or
fire. After removing the battery pack, take
the equipment to a Nikon-authorized service
representative for inspection.
Do not use in the presence of
flammable gas
Do not use electronic equipment in the
presence of flammable gas, as this could
result in explosion or fire.
Do not disassemble or modify
Touching the product's internal parts could
result in injury. In the event of malfunction,
the product should be repaired only by a
qualified technician. Should the product
break open as the result of a fall or other
accident, take the product to a Nikon-
authorized service representative for
inspection after unplugging the AC adapter
and removing the battery pack.
Keep dry
Do not immerse in or expose to water
Continuing to use the product under such
circumstances may cause fire or an electric
This icon marks cautions,
information that should be read
before use to prevent damage to
This icon marks notes, information
that should be read before using
This icon marks tips, additional
information that may be helpful when
using your COOLWALKER MSV-01.
This icon indicates that more
information is available elsewhere
in this manual.
For Your Safety
This icon marks warnings, information that should be read before using this Nikon
product to prevent possible injury.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nikon Coolwalker MSV-01

Nikon Coolwalker MSV-01 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 80 pagina's

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