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To prevent damage to your Nikon product or injury to yourself or to others, read the
following safety precautions in their entirety before using this equipment. Keep
these safety instructions where all those who use the product will read them.
The consequences that could result from failure to observe the precautions listed in
this section are indicated by the following symbols:
Do not look at the sun through
the viewfinder
Viewing the sun or other strong
light source through the viewfinder
could cause permanent visual
Turn off immediately in the
event of malfunction
Should you notice smoke or an
unusual smell coming from the
equipment or from the AC adapter
(available separately), unplug the
AC adapter and remove the battery
immediately, taking care to avoid
burns. Continued operation could
result in injury. After removing the
battery, take the equipment to a
Nikon-authorized service center for
Do not use in the presence of
flammable gas
Do not use electronic equipment in
the presence of flammable gas, as
this could result in explosion or fire.
Do not place strap around neck
Placing the camera strap around
your neck could result in
strangulation. Special care should
be taken to avoid placing the strap
around the neck of an infant or
Do not disassemble
Touching the product’s internal
parts could result in injury. In the
event of a malfunction, the product
should be repaired only by a
qualified technician. Should the
product break open as the result of
a fall or other accident, remove the
battery and/or AC adapter and then
take the product to a Nikon-
authorized service center for
Observe proper precautions
when handling batteries
Batteries may leak or explode if
improperly handled. Observe the
following precautions when
handling batteries for use in this
Be sure the product is off before
replacing the battery. If you are
using an AC adapter, be sure it is
Use only the Nikon EN-EL1
rechargeable lithium-ion battery
(supplied) or a six-volt 2CR5
(DL245) lithium battery (available
The EN-EL-1 is for use only with
selected Nikon Digital cameras.
Do not use the EN-EL1 in
equipment not approved for use
with this battery.
For Your Safety
When inserting the battery, do not
attempt to insert it upside down
or backwards.
Do not short or disassemble the
Do not expose the battery to
flame or to excessive heat.
Do not immerse in or expose to
Do not transport or store with
metal objects such as necklaces
or hairpins.
Batteries are prone to leakage
when fully discharged. To avoid
damage to the product, be sure
to remove the battery when no
charge remains.
When the battery is not in use,
attach the terminal cover and
store in a cool place.
Immediately after use, or when
the product is used on battery
power for an extended period, the
battery may become hot. Before
removing the battery, turn the
camera off and allow the battery
to cool.
When used with a 2CR5 (DL245)
lithium battery, the camera grip
may become noticeably warm,
but this does not indicate a
Discontinue use immediately
should you notice any changes in
the battery, such as discoloration
or deformation.
Use appropriate cables
When connecting cables to the
input and output jacks, use only the
cables provided or sold by Nikon
for the purpose, to maintain
compliance with product
Keep out of reach of children
Particular care should be taken to
prevent infants from putting the
battery or other small parts into
their mouths.
Removing memory cards
Memory cards may become hot
during use. Observe due caution
when removing memory cards from
the camera.
The CD-ROMs on which the
software and manuals are
distributed should not be played
back on audio CD equipment.
Playing CD-ROMs on an audio CD
player could cause hearing loss or
damage the equipment.
Observe caution when
operating the flash
Using the flash close to your
subject's eyes could cause
temporary visual impairment.
Particular care should be observed
if photographing infants, when the
flash should be no less than one
meter (3.3 ft.) from the subject.
When using the viewfinder
When operating the mode dial and
the zoom button with your eye to
the viewfinder, care should be taken
not to put your finger in your eye
Avoid contact with liquid crystal
Should the monitor break, care
should be taken to avoid injury due
to broken glass and to prevent
liquid crystal from the monitor
touching the skin or entering the
eyes or mouth.
This icon marks warnings, information that should be read before using
your Nikon product to prevent possible injury.
E4300 (E) 02.12.9 1:46 PM Page 4

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nikon Coolpix 4300

Nikon Coolpix 4300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 77 pagina's

Nikon Coolpix 4300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 77 pagina's

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