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Shooting Features
Using the Camera
Using the Menus
Insert the Batteries and Memory Card
Open the battery-chamber/memory
card slot cover.
• Hold the camera upside down to prevent the batteries from
falling out.
Insert the batteries and
memory card.
• Confirm that the positive (+) and
negative (–) battery terminals are
oriented correctly and insert the
• Confirm the correct orientation
and slide the memory card in until
it clicks into place.
Memory card slot
Close the battery-chamber/memory
card slot cover.
Applicable Batteries
• Two LR6/L40 (AA-size) alkaline batteries (included batteries)*
• Two FR6/L91 (AA-size) lithium batteries
• Two EN-MH2 rechargeable Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride) batteries
* Performance of alkaline batteries may vary greatly depending on the brand.
Removing the Memory Card
Turn the camera off and make sure that the power-on lamp
and the monitor have turned off, and then open the battery-
chamber/memory card slot cover.
• Gently push the memory card into the camera (1) to
partially eject the card (2).
• The camera, batteries, and memory card may be hot
immediately after using the camera.
Press the power switch to turn on the
• The monitor turns on when the camera is turned on.
• To turn the camera off, press the power switch again.
Use the multi selector
HI to select the desired
language and press the
Use HI to select Yes and press the
Choose time zone and
set date and time?
Use JK to select your
home time zone and press
the k button.
• Press H to turn on daylight saving
time (W is displayed above the
Press I to turn it off.
London, Casablanca
Use HI to select the date format and press the k button.
Set the date and time, and press the
• Use JK to select a field and then use HI to set
the date and time.
• Select the minute field and press the k button to
confirm the setting.
Date and time
2016 00 00
01 01
When the confirmation screen is displayed, use HI to
select Ye s and press the k button.
Press the A (shooting mode) button.
Press this button in
shooting mode for
selection menu.
Date and time
Use HI to select Scene auto selector
and press the k button.
Scene auto selector
• The camera enters the shooting
mode and you can take images in
Scene auto selector mode.
• While shooting, you can check
the battery level indicator and the
number of exposures remaining.
15m 0s
Shooting screen
Number of exposures
Battery level
mode icon
Turn the Camera On and Set the Display Language, Date, and Time
Shooting with Scene Auto Selector Mode
Hold the camera steady.
• Keep fingers and other objects away from the lens,
flash, microphone, and speaker.
Frame the picture.
• Move the zoom control to change the zoom
• When the camera automatically determines the
scene mode, the shooting mode icon changes.
Zoom out Zoom in
Press the shutter-release button
• When the subject is in focus, the focus area glows
• If the focus area or focus indicator flashes, the
camera is unable to focus. Modify the composition
and try pressing the shutter-release button halfway
F 3.2
Focus area
Without lifting your finger, press the shutter-
release button the rest of the way down.
• The indicator showing the number of exposures remaining or the
indicator showing the maximum movie length flashes while images
are being saved or while a movie is being recorded. Do not open the
battery-chamber/memory card slot cover or remove the batteries
or memory card while an indicator is flashing. Doing this could
result in loss of data, or in damage to the camera or the memory
Play Back Images
Press the c (playback) button to enter
playback mode.
Use the multi selector HIJK to
select an image to display.
• To return to shooting mode, press the A button or
shutter-release button.
• When e is displayed in full-frame playback
mode, you can press the k button to apply an
effect to the image.
15/11/2016 15:30
0004. JPG
Full-frame Playback
• Move the zoom control toward
g(i) in full-frame playback mode to
zoom in on the image.
• Move the zoom control toward
f(h) in full-frame playback mode
to display a list of images called
Delete Images
Press the l (delete) button to delete
the image currently displayed in the
Use the multi selector HI to
select Current image and press the
• To exit without deleting, press the d button.
Current image
Erase selected images
All images
Select Ye s and press the k button.
• Deleted images cannot be recovered.
Erase 1 image?
Recording and Playing Back Movies
Display the shooting screen.
• Check the remaining amount of movie recording
Movie recording time
15m 0s
Press the b (e movie-record) button
to start movie recording.
Press the b (e movie-record) button again to stop
Select a movie in full-frame playback
mode and press the k button.
• Movies are indicated by the movie options icon.
15/11/2016 15:30
0010. AVI
Movie options
Changing the Shooting Mode
The following shooting modes are available.
• x Scene auto selector
The camera automatically selects the optimum scene mode when you frame an image,
making it even easier to take images using settings that suit the scene.
• b Scene mode
Camera settings are optimized according to the scene that you select.
• E Special effects
Effects can be applied to images during shooting.
• F Smart portrait
When the camera detects a smiling face, you can take an image automatically without
pressing the shutter-release button (smile timer).
You can also use the skin softening option to smooth the skin tones of human faces.
• A Auto mode
Used for general shooting.
Settings can be adjusted to suit the shooting conditions and the type of shot you want
to capture.
Press the A (shooting mode) button
in the shooting screen.
Use the multi selector HI to select
a shooting mode and press the
Scene auto selector
Using the Flash and Self-timer
You can use the multi selector to set frequently used functions such as the flash and
You can set the following functions using HIJK in the shooting screen.
Flash mode
Macro mode
Self-timer Exposure compensation
• X Flash mode
You can select the flash mode to match the shooting conditions.
• n Self-timer
If you select ON, the camera releases the shutter 10 seconds after you press the shutter-
release button.
• p Macro mode
Use macro mode when taking close-up images.
• o Exposure compensation
You can adjust overall image brightness.
The functions that are available vary with the shooting mode.
Use the multi selector and k button to navigate the menus.
The following menus are available.
• A Shooting menu
Available by pressing the d button in the shooting screen.
Allows you to change image size and quality, continuous shooting settings, etc.
• G Playback menu
Available by pressing the d button when viewing images in full-frame playback
mode or thumbnail playback mode. Allows you to edit images, play slide shows, etc.
• D Movie menu
Available by pressing the d button in the shooting screen.
Allows you to change movie recording settings.
• z Setup menu
Allows you to adjust basic camera functions such as date and time, display language,
Press the d (menu) button.
• The menu is displayed.
Press the multi selector J.
• The current menu icon is displayed in yellow.
Image mode
White balance
Shooting menu
ISO sensitivity
Menu icons
Use HI to select the desired menu
• The menu is changed.
Set up
Electronic VR
Sound settings
Auto o
Time zone and date
Monitor settings
Date stamp
Press the k button.
• The menu options become selectable.
Electronic VR
Sound settings
Auto o
Time zone and date
Monitor settings
Date stamp
Use HI to select a menu option, and
then press the k button.
• The settings for the option you selected are
Date stamp
Date and time
Use HI to select the setting, and then
press the k button.
• The setting you selected is applied.
• When you are finished using the menu, press the
d button.
Date stamp
Date and time
• Certain menu options cannot be set depending on the current shooting mode or the
state of the camera.
• When a menu is displayed, you can switch to shooting mode by pressing the shutter-
release button, A(shooting mode) button, or b (e movie-record) button.
If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common problems below
before consulting your retailer or Nikon-authorized service representative.
The camera is on but does not respond.
Wait for recording to end.
If the problem persists, turn the camera off.
If the camera does not turn off, remove and reinsert the battery or batteries or, if you are
using an AC adapter, disconnect and reconnect the AC adapter. Note that although any
data currently being recorded will be lost, data that have already been recorded will not
be affected by removing or disconnecting the power source.
Camera turns off without warning.
• The camera automatically turns off to save power (auto off function).
• The camera or batteries have become too cold and cannot operate properly.
• The inside of the camera has become hot. Leave the camera off until the inside of the
camera has cooled, and then try turning it on again.
Monitor is blank.
• The camera is off.
• The batteries are exhausted.
• The camera has entered standby mode to save power. Press the power switch, shutter-
release button, A button, c button, or b (e movie-record) button.
Camera becomes hot.
The camera may become hot when used for an extended period of time to shoot movies
or when used in a hot environment; this is not a malfunction.
Printed in Europe
AMA16388 6MN64711-01
Quick Start Guide (with Warranty)
Thank you for purchasing the Nikon COOLPIX A10 digital camera.
Before using the camera, please thoroughly read “Confirming the Package Contents” and “For
Your Safety on the reverse side for correct use of the camera. After reading, please keep this
manual handy and refer to it to enhance your enjoyment of your new camera.
The Quick Start Guide introduces the procedures necessary in using this camera for the first time.
For more detailed information, please download the Reference Manual from the following URL.
The Reference Manual can be viewed using Adobe Reader, available for free download from the
Adobe website.
About This Manual
• SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards are referred to as memory cards” in this manual.
• In this manual, images are sometimes omitted from monitor display samples so that
monitor indicators can be more clearly shown.
• Illustrations and monitor content shown in this manual may differ from the actual product.
Preparing for Shooting
Transferring Images to a Computer (ViewNX-i)
Installing ViewNX-i
ViewNX-i is free software that enables you to transfer images and movies to your
computer for viewing and editing.
To install ViewNX-i, download the latest version of the ViewNX-i installer from the
following website and follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation.
ViewNX-i: http://downloadcenter.nikonimglib.com
For system requirements and other information, see the Nikon website for your region.
Transferring Images to a Computer
Prepare a memory card that contains images.
You can use any of the methods below to transfer images from the memory card
to a computer.
• SD memory card slot/card reader: Insert the memory card into the card slot
of your computer or the card reader (commercially available) that is connected
to the computer.
• Direct USB connection: Turn the camera off and ensure that the memory card
is inserted in the camera. Connect the camera to the computer using the USB
Turn the camera on.
After Nikon Transfer 2 starts, click Start Transfer.
Start Transfer
• Image transfer begins. When image transfer is complete, ViewNX-i starts and the
transferred images are displayed.
• Consult online help for more information on using ViewNX-i.
Terminate the connection.
• If you are using a card reader or card slot, choose the appropriate option in the
computer operating system to eject the removable disk corresponding to the
memory card and then remove the memory card from the card reader or card
• If the camera is connected to the computer, turn the camera off and disconnect
the USB cable.

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Nikon COOLPIX A10 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Nikon COOLPIX A10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 145 pagina's

Nikon COOLPIX A10 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Nikon COOLPIX A10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 145 pagina's

Nikon COOLPIX A10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 147 pagina's

Nikon COOLPIX A10 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 2 pagina's

Nikon COOLPIX A10 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 147 pagina's

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