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Use batteries as a backup
power source.ln case of
electricity failure this will
be used to save the
To power on,connect the
USB cable to the adapter
and product. Plug the adapter
to a power socket.
Battery lnstallation:
Require 3 AAA Batteries(batteries are not
included in accessories)
- Open the battery compartment
- lnsert 3 AAA batteries.Observe the polarity.
- Close the battery compartment.
When the product is running on
batteries, the are Function abilities
-Time display will be switched off
after 15 seconds. Press any key to
switch on time display.
-Alarm function is available.
-Radio is available.
-All light functions are unavailable
in battery mode
Setting current time
When the power is
connected,the hours
indication starts
to blink
Hours Setting:
Use to adjust hour
To confirm press
Minute Setting:
Use to adjust minute
To confirm press
If the indication is stopped
touch again.
FM Radio
Touch button to turn
on/off. Press and hold
button for 3 seconds to
auto scan.
All available FM channels
will be scanned and saved
Touch to select an
FM station.
Press key to choose
volume level 1-15.
Note:time display isn’t
indicated when Radio is
turned on.
Sunset light simulation
30 min before sunset time,the light is turned on with 100% brightness and then the brightness is reduced gradually
and will turn off at sunset time.
uring sunset light is turned on you may: Press and hold to turn off the light.
Press key
to switch the time
format between 12H
and 24H
AM or PM will
appear on time
Touch button
The hours indication
starts to blink.
Hours Setting:
Use to adjust hour
To confirm press
Minute Setting:
Use to adjust minute.
To confirm press
If the indication is stopped
touch again.
Intensity of time
Press key to select
the display intensity
Setting the alarm
wake-up time
Touch button
to switch on/off
alarm mode.
on clock display.
Press and hold button
to set alarm.
The hours indication
starts to blink.
Hours Setting:
Use to adjust hour.
To confirm press
Minute Setting:
Use to adjust minute.
To confirm press
If the indication is stopped
touch again.
Nature sounds
Press key to select
the alarm sound
Use to select
1-7 sounds.Press
to confirm selection.
Each sound (1-6)will
play 5 sec before
you choose.
When 7 is selected the
last played radio station
will be played as wake
up sound
Press Key to select
volume level 00-15
Sunrise light simulation
When the alarm time is set, the wake up light will switch on 30 minuts before the alarm time
in low brightness and gradually increase the brightness. At the alarm time the brightness will be
full.The natural sound or radio will be played for 2 minuts at the alarm time.
During wake up alarm play
- Touch button to snooze the alarm for 5 minuts.After 5 minuts the alarm will play again
for 2 minuts. Press or touch any buttons except to stop sound.
- Press and hold to switch off wake up light.
Setting the Sunset time
Touch to switch on/off
sunset mode
symbol appears/disapears
on time display.
Press and hold to set
The hours indication starts to set.
Hours Setting:
Use to adjust hours.To confirm press
minute setting:
Use to adjust minute.To confirm press
Touch to switch on the light
Use to adjust the level (1-10) of the brightness
Second touch of will switch on automatic color
changing mode
Use to select color:Green,Red ,Blue,Purple,
Third touch to switch off the light
*Led time display in 12H-24 format
*Sunrise wake up light simulation
*Sunset light simulation
*6 Nature sounds to wake up
*Bedside lamp
*White light flux: 80LM
*10 levels of the brightness
*6 coloured light+white light
*Automatic changing of color light
*FM radio with antenna
*15 volume levels
*Touch mode
*Power supply: DC 5V;3xAAA batteries; USB cable.
Note: When the battery is low the product may not
function properly.
Replace the cell with fresh cells.
* Don’t press two or more keys at the same time
* To avoid failure interval of every touch must be more than 1 second.
* If there is any maIfunction, please unplug the unit for 3 seconds.
* If the batteries are not used for a long time ,please remove.
* When the batteries voltage is low, the product will get restarted and all
settings are lost . Pls replace new batteries.
* The adapter is designed to use with this product only, Please do not use
the adapter to charge other devices like Mobile Phone .

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nikkei NCW22

Nikkei NCW22 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Nikkei NCW22 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 1 pagina's

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