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Norms and regulations to be respected
The dishwasher may only be used to clean household dishes. If the appliance is used for other
purposes or in a wrong manner, the manufacturer declines all responsibilities for possible damages.
For safety reasons, no modifications must be carried out on the appliance.
Before connecting the appliance to the electric power supply system, check that the power supply at
the place of installation is compatible with the electric data indicated on the data tag.
The installation must be carried out by qualified personnel.
Before running the appliance for the first time
Make sure the dishwasher was not damaged during transport. Do not hook up the appliance if there
is any damage. In case of damage, contact the vendor.
For the safety of children
Do not allow children to play with the appliance.
Detergents can cause permanent damage to eyes, mouth and throat.
They should therefore be kept outside the reach of children.
The water in the dishwasher is not drinkable. Any residues of detergent in the appliance constitute a
source of danger for children. They must therefore be kept away from the open dishwasher.
Daily use
Do not turn on the dishwasher if the electric cable, or the water supply or water drainage pipes are
damaged, or if the control board, the work surface or the base are in very bad condition.
In case of a malfunction, shut off the water supply, then turn off the appliance and pull the electric
plug from the outlet. If there is a permanent electric connection, turn off the service switch (if present)
or remove the fuse (or fuses).
To remove the plug from the electric outlet, hold the plug itself and pull; never pull the cable.
All repairs of the dishwasher must be carried out by specialised personnel. Inappropriate repairs can
create a severe danger for the user. For repairs, you should therefore contact our technical customer
assistance service or a specialised vendor.
The replacement of the supply cable must be carried out only by the technical service staff.
If the pipes and tubes are deteriorated, substitute them with new original parts before hooking up
the appliance.
Do not use detergent substances that could lead to an explosion.
Do not sit or lean on the open door. The appliance might otherwise tilt over.
Before adding special dishwasher salt, detergent and rinse aid, make sure that the manufacturer of
these substances recommends their use for household dishwashers.
Always shut off the water supply when the dishwasher is not in use for longer periods of time, e.g.,
during your vacations.

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