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Installation Guide
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Information is subject to change without notice.Other brand and product names are
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All rights reserved.
May 2012
LED and Button Descriptions
Item Description
Solid green. The electrical power is on.
Solid amber. The adapter is in power saving
Blinking green. The adapter is in the process of
setting up security.
Off. There is no electrical power.
line LED
Solid. The adapter is connected to a Powerline
Off. The adapter has not found any other
compatible Powerline devices using the same
encryption key.
The Pick A Plug feature lets you pick the electri-
cal outlet with the strongest link rate, indicated by
the color displayed by the LED:
Green: Link
rate > 80
Mbps (Best)
Amber: Link rate
> 50 and < 80
Mbps (Better)
Red: Link
rate < 50
Powerline LED
Power LED
Ethernet LED
Ethernet port
Powerline 500 (2-pack)
Troubleshooting Tips
Power LED is off Make sure that power is supplied to the electrical
outlet, and that the Powerline devices are not plugged
into an extension cord, power strip, or surge protector.
Power LED is
Power saving mode occurs when the Ethernet LED is
off. This can occur when:
The Ethernet cable is unplugged.
The device connected through the Ethernet cable is
turned off.
The adapter is idle for 10 minutes.
It returns to normal mode within 2 seconds once the
Ethernet link is up.
Powerline LED
is off
If you have set network security, make sure that all
Power line devices are using the same encryption
key; see the online User Manual for details.
Press the Reset button on each device for 1 second
to return the Powerline adapter to its factory default
Powerline LED
is amber or red
Move the Powerline device to a closer location.
Ethernet LED is
Make sure that the Ethernet cables are working and
securely plugged into the devices.
Press the Reset button on each device for 1 second
to return the Powerline adapter to its factory default
Package Contents
Warning: Do not press the Security button on the Powerline
adapter until installation is complete and the adapters are
communicating with each other (indicated by the blinking
Powerline LED). Pressing this button too soon can temporarily
disable Powerline communication. If this should occur, use the
Factory Reset button to return the Powerline adapter to its
factory default settings.
Solid. The Ethernet port is linked.
Off. There is no Ethernet connection.
After you plug in your new AV adapter, press the
Security button for 2 seconds, then press the
security button on one of the other AV adapters in
your existing network for 2 seconds. Both buttons
must be pressed within 2 minutes.
Note: The Security button does not work in power
saving mode (see “Power LED is amber” in the
Troubleshooting Tips table).
Press the Reset button for 1 second, then release
it to return the Powerline adapter to its factory
default settings.
Item Description
Powerline 500
Nano Adapters
Ethernet cables
In some regions,
a Resource CD is
included with your

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