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Compatible Powerline and HomePlug AV certified devices include the NETGEAR XAV101,
XAV1004, XAV1501, XAV2001, XAV2501, and XAVN2001. For a complete list of AV certified
devices, go to http://www.homeplug.org/certified_products
Safety Information
For national approvals (approval schemes other than CB),
relevant national standards for plug, socket-outlet and direct
plug-in units (for example, US) shall also be consulted while
testing and approving such products according to national
AC input rating (NA):100-125V, 0.2A (Max),
50–60Hz excluding socket outlet rating.
AC input rating (AU, UK, FR, EU, SW): 200-250V, 0.2A (Max),
50–60Hz excluding socket outlet rating.
XAV5501 ratings (maximum load): EU: 15A 250V~,
UK: 12A 250V~, FR: 15A, 250V~, NA: 14A 125V~,
AU: 9A, 250V~, SW: 10A, 250V~.
Operating temperature: 0C~40C
The socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and be
easily accessible.
Only power cords are allowed to be inserted into the EUT
socket-outlet; no other equipment with a direct plug-in is
allowed. Power cord needs to be a maximum of 1 m long and a
minimum of 0.75 mm square of cross-sectional area.
Do not plug devices into the XAV5501 filtered AC outlet that
exceed the product ratings. The output voltage of the filtered
AC outlet is the same as the power outlet which the XAV5501
is plugged into. To help avoid damaging your system, be sure
that the attached devices are electrically rated to operate with
the power available in your location.
If the input AC voltage is less than 125Vac, the device plugged
into the filtered AC socket of the XAV5501 may not perform as
well as expected.
AC socket or into an attached powerstrip. The device is not
intended to be used with home appliances such as air
conditioners, power tools, space heaters, fans, hair dryers,
ovens, or refrigerators.
Check the electrical current for any appliance used with the
device, and do not exceed home and product outlet ratings and
electrical requirements.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Netgear XAV5501 Powerline AV plus 500 Adapter

Netgear XAV5501 Powerline AV plus 500 Adapter Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 32 pagina's

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