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Start Here
Follow these instructions to set up your router.
Verify That Basic Requirements Are Met
Assure that the following requirements are met:
You have your broadband Internet service settings handy.
The computer is configured to obtain an IP address automatically via DHCP. For
instructions on how to do this, please see the animated tutorials on the Web Safe
Router Resource CD or Appendix C in the Reference Manual on the Web Safe Router
Resource CD.
First, Connect the Router to the Internet
Connect the Router Between Your PC & Modem
a. Turn off your computer and cable or DSL modem.
b. Disconnect the Ethernet cable (A) which connects from your computer to the
cable or DSL modem.
c. Securely insert the Ethernet cable from your cable or DSL modem into the
Internet port (B) on the RP614.
d. Securely insert one end of the Ethernet cable that came with your router into a
LAN port on the router such as LAN port 4 (C), and the other end into the
Ethernet port of your computer (D).
Restart Your Network in the Correct Sequence
Warning: Failure to restart your network in the correct sequence could prevent you
from connecting to the Internet.
a. First, turn on the cable or DSL modem and wait 2 minutes.
b. Now, turn on your router.
c. Last, turn on your computer.
Note: If software usually logs you in to the Internet, do not run that software or
cancel it if it starts automatically.
d. Check the status lights and verify the following:
Power: The power light is on. It goes on when your turn the router on.
Test: The test light is off. After turning on the router, the test light should
go off in less than a minute.
Internet: The Internet light on the router is lit. If the Internet light is not lit,
check that the Ethernet cable is securely attached to the router Internet port
and the powered on modem.
LAN: A LAN light is lit. If none are lit, check that the Ethernet cable to the
router from the powered on computer is securely attached at both.
Log in to the Router
a. From your PC, launch your Internet browser.
b. Connect to the router by typing in the address field of
Internet Explorer or Netscape
c. Enter admin for the router user name and password for the router password,
both in lower case letters.
d. After logging in to the router, you will see the Internet Connection Setup
Wizard on the settings main page.
Installation Guide
Cable or DSL modem
Cable or DSL modem
Web Safe Router
Cable or DSL modem
Web Safe Router
Power Test Internet Port LAN Port 4
Internet Port
LAN Port 4

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Andere handleiding(en) van Netgear RP614 v2

Netgear RP614 v2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 121 pagina's

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