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Installation Guide
1. Register With the NETGEAR Insight App
Use the NETGEAR Insight App to register your switch.
1. On your iOS or Android mobile device, visit the app store, search for
NETGEAR Insight, and download the latest app.
2. Open the NETGEAR Insight app.
3. If you did not set up a NETGEAR account, tap Create NETGEAR Account and
follow the onscreen instructions.
4. Enter the email address and password for your account and tap LOG IN.
5. Tap + in the upper right corner.
6. Either use the camera on your phone to scan the serial number bar code
located on the bottom of the switch, or type in the serial number.
7. Tap Go.
8. Tap View Device to add the switch to a network.
The switch is registered and added to your account.
NETGEAR® S350 Series 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet
Smart Managed Pro Switch (GS308T)
NETGEAR® S350 Series 8-Port Gigabit PoE+
Ethernet Smart Managed Pro Switch with 2 SFP
Ports (GS310TP)
Package Contents
Switch model GS308T or GS310TP
GS308T power adapter (varies by region) or
GS310TP adapter with detatchable power cord (varies by region)
Installation guide
2. Connect the Switch
Sample Connections
Note: For more information, see the hardware installation guide which you can
download from https://www.netgear.com/support/.
3. Check the PoE Status (GS310TP Only)
PoE+ power is provided by the GS310TP switch on ports 1-8. The switch can
supply up to 30W PoE+ (IEEE 802.3at) to each port, with a maximum PoE power
budget of 55W across all active PoE+ ports.
The PoE Max LED indicates the status of the PoE budget on the switch:
Off. Sufcient (more than 7W of) PoE power is available.
Solid yellow. Less than 7W of PoE power is available.
Blinking yellow. At least once during the previous two minutes, less than 7W
of PoE power was available.
4. Discover the IP Address
An IP address is required to congure your switch. The switch gets an IP
address from a DHCP server (such as your router) by default. If your switch is not
connected to a DHCP server, use the default IP address:
Note: Make sure that you are using the latest version of the app.
1. On your mobile device, connect with WiFi to the same router as the switch.
2. Open the NETGEAR Insight app and log in to your account.
The current IP address of the switch is displayed.
Sample Connections
GS308T switch
IP camera
Gaming console
Smart TV
GS310TP switch
PoE IP camera
PoE Phone
PoE VoIP/Video
PoE Access Point
Continued on the other side.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Netgear GS310TP

Netgear GS310TP Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 362 pagina's

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