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141NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
If your appliance has become overloaded, the following configuration adjustments will help alleviate the
load on the appliance:
If you are using the Scanned Devices functionality, increase the scan interval.
For information on the Scanned Devices functionality, see “Scanned Devices” on
page 44. For details on increasing the scan interval, see “Adding, editing, and
removing SNMP targets” on page 46.
If you are using Scanners, disable MIB2 scanning on devices. Some devices (routers, for
example) can include many communications interfaces, and scanning all MIB2 interfaces on these
devices can cause delays on Scanners performance.
Lower the Interactive Frame Rate Limit on some or all cameras connected to the appliance.
Lowering the Interactive Frame Rate Limit will improved performance issues caused by multiple
clients accessing the appliance interactively.
To change Interactive Frame Rate Limits, see “Settings” on page 36.
If Camera Motion thresholds are enabled for alerting, check the following to ensure that
thresholds and settings are not causing camera motion to be detected continuously:
Check that the Sensitivity and Area of Motion settings are appropriate for your environment
and the type of motion you want to detect.
If there are areas of an image that you don't need to detect motion, mask those areas.
To set up a mask, see “Mask settings” on page 41.
If Camera Motion thresholds (or any other thresholds that include camera images) are
generated frequently, adjust the thresholds to make them less sensitive. You can also use Alert
State for Time alert types instead of Alert State alert types to minimize duplicate event
If there are time periods where you want to ignore motion events, use the Advanced
Scheduling option within the Camera Motion threshold to disable the sensor for specific time
Reduce the capture size of pictures being collected by your camera pods.
If you have several busy camera pods connected to one appliance and have multiple appliances
available, distribute the cameras to the other appliances to even out the image capture load.
Spread out the initialization of alert notifications over the span of a few minutes by using multiple
alert levels in the Alert Profile.
Overall Alert Load: If your appliance is detecting more than a couple of alert events every few
minutes, you may need to re-evaluate your alert threshold settings. If you have several alert
actions configured that are running on short intervals, consider breaking those out into longer
intervals or creating multiple profiles that can be customized for different sensor types. This
allows sensors which collect picture captures to have notifications sent on different intervals (and
with different alert actions) than other sensors which might not require picture captures.

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