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Condition of your TravelCare Service Program
Enduser is requested to understand following condition of TravelCare
Service Program and fill necessary information into the application sheet.
1. Service Options:
There are 3 types of "Service" available. Enduser has to understand
following condition and is required to fill in the Application Sheet.
1) Repair and Return:
The 'Faulty unit' is sent or collected from the customer. It is repaired
and returned within 10 days to the customer, excluding transport time.
There may have a case, repair and return can't be done by NEC
Authorized Service Station, because of shortage of spare parts due
to same model is not sold in the territory.
2) Repair and Return with Loan: (This service is limited to some Ser-
vice Stations)
This service is offered to the Enduser, who cannot wait until their unit
is repaired.
The customer can borrow a unit for $200 up to 12 days. Customer
then sends in inoperable unit to nearest NEC Authorized Service
Station for service. In order to prevent collection problem, Enduser is
required to fill in Application Sheet.
Enduser needs to confirm the availability of the Service to NEC Au-
thorized Service Stations.
3) Loan Only:
For this service, NEC Authorized Service Station supplies the cus-
tomer with a loan unit for US$200 up to 12 days. Customer keeps the
inoperable unit and when customer returns home, customer arranges
to have the projector serviced in the home country.
2. Warranty Exclusions:
This program does not apply if the Projector's serial number has been
defaced, modified or removed.
If, in the judgement of NEC Authorized Service Station or its agent the
defects or failures result from any cause other than fair wear and tear or
NEC neglect, or fault including the following without limitation:
1) Accidents, transportation, neglect, misuse, abuse, water, dust, smoke
or default of or by the Customer its employees or agents or any third
2) Failure or fluctuation of electrical power, electrical circuitry, air condi-
tioning, humidity control or other environmental conditions such as
use it in smoking area;
3) Any fault in the attachments or associated products or components
(whether or not supplied by NEC or its agents which do not form part
of the Product covered by this warranty);
4) Any act of God, fire, flood, war, act of violence or any similar occur-
5) Any attempt by any person other than any person authorized by NEC
to adjust, modify, repair, install or service the product.
6) Any Cross-border charges such as, duty, insurance, tax etc.
3. Charges for Warranty Exclusions and Out of Warranty Case:
In case faulty unit is under warranty exclusions case or under Out of
Warranty period, NEC Authorized Service Station will Inform estimation
of actual service cost to the Enduser with reason.
4. Dead on Arrival (DOA):
Enduser must take this issue up with their original supplier in the coun-
try of purchase.
NEC Authorized Service Station will repair the DOA unit as a Warranty
repair, but will not exchange DOA unit with new units.
5. Loan Service Charges and Conditions:
Upon acceptance of this NEC Projector, Customer agrees to assume
liability for this loan unit.
The current cost of use of this loan unit is $200.00 USD for 12 calendar
If Customer does not return the unit within the 12 calendar days, Cus-
tomer will be charged the next highest cost up to and including the full
list price to Credit Cards, which price will be informed by NEC Autho-
rized Service Stations. Please see the attached listing of contacts for
each country to arrange for pickup of the loan unit.
If you return to their country of origin with the loan unit, you will be
charged additional freight to return the unit to the loaning country.
Thank you for your understanding of this program.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nec mt1065

Nec mt1065 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 65 pagina's

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