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15NAVMAN M100 User Manual
Speed Calibration
Speed Comparison Method
Use the following sequence to adjust the speed
displayed to match that of another craft or the
speed displayed on a GPS receiver.
Follow the Secondary Functions chart to reach
Speed Calibration mode.
To increase reading press the key.
To decrease reading press the
To enter the calibration setting into memory and
exit press the
When the speed calibration is adjusted the
trip log and the average speed will be reset.
Log Calibration Method
Set the log to zero and travel a known distance
between two points.
If there is any tidal current,
you should travel the course in both directions
and use twice the known distance. Try to avoid
the situation where the current is flowwing at
right angles to the course, or if this cannot be
avoided, make sure that the boat speed is at
least ten times the speed of the current.
You may calculate a correction factor as follows:
Known distance
correction factor =
distance from log
For example, if you have travelled over a known
distance of 1 mile but your log reading is 0.80,
the correction factor is 1.25. Therefore, your
correct boat speed will be the indicated speed
multiplied by 1.25.
Enter the simulation mode by holding down the
key at power up, When speed is selected in
the simulator mode the display will indicate a
fixed calibration speed. With the factory default
calibration this speed will be 10.0 knots.
Follow the Secondary Functions chart to reach
Speed Calibration mode.
Use the
to set the displayed speed to the
new value. For our example, assuming we
started with the factory default calibration, this
new speed would be 10.0 x 1.25 which is 12.5
To enter the calibration setting into memory and
exit press the
To exit simulation mode, remove the power and
then hold the key at power up

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