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Exporting the log file
The log file can be exported from the files browser.
When you select the Log database you are prompted to select a destination folder and
filename. Once accepted the log file is written to the chosen location.
Software upgrades
The latest software for the NSS evo2 will be available for download from our website;
Detailed instructions for how to install the software will follow the upgrade files.
Backing up your system data
Waypoints, routes, tracks that you create are filed in your system. It is recommended to
regularly copy these files and your system settings files as part of your back-up routine.
The files can be copied to an SD card inserted in the card slot on the front of the unit.
Different output formats are available:
User Data File version 5 This is used to import and export waypoints and
routes with a standardized universally unique
identifier (UUID), which is very reliable and easy to use.
The data includeds such information as the time and
date when a route was created etc.
User Data File version 4 This is best used when transferring data from one NS*
system to another, since it contains all the extra bits of
information these systems store about items.
User Data file version 3 (w/depth) Should be used when transferring user data from an
NS* system to a legacy Lowrance ( LMS, LCX, etc )
User data file version 2 (no depth)
GPX (GPS Exchange) This is the format most used on the web that shares
among most GPS systems in the world. Use this
format if you are taking data to a competitors unit.
Northstar.dat (no Tracks) Used to transfer data to a legacy Northstar device.
The graphics shows how to export waypoints, routes and tracks.
1. Select the files option from the home page
2. Select the data you want to export
3. Tap the export option in the dialog
4. Select export format
5. Select destination folder
6. Enter name for exported file.
Maintenance| NSS evo2 Operator Manual

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