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The operation lamp is flashing rapidly (5Hz). This lamp is still
flashing rapidly after turn off the power and turn on again.
(Refer to Table 8-1, Table 8-2 and Table 8-3)
Remote controller receives malfunction or the button does not
work well.
A safety device such as a fuse, a breaker frequently actuates.
Obstacles and water enter the unit.
Water leaks from indoor unit.
Other malfunctions.
If one of the following malfunctions occur, stop operation, shut
off the power, and contact with your dealer.
If the system does not properly operate except the above
mentioned cases or the above mentioned malfunctions is
evident, investigate the system according to the following
procedures. (Refer to Table 8-4)
Please cut off the power supply when appearing the
above malfunction, check if the voltage provided is out of
range, check if the installation of air-conditioner is
correct, then electrify again after 3 minutes power off. If
the problem is still existent, please contact the local
service station or the equipment provider.
Table 7-1a
E 8
E 2
E 3
E 4
E 7
E d
In-Outdoor unit COMM. Checking
channel is abnormal
Room TEMP. sensor checking
channel is abnormal
Pipe TEMP. Sensor checking
channel is abnormal(T2)
EPPROM malfunction
Indoor fan motor speed out of control
Water-level alarm malfunction
Outdoor malfunction
Indoor twins communication malfunction
Other malfunction of twins
Light Flashing at 2.5HZ Flashing at 0.5HZ
Pipe TEMP. Sensor checking
channel is abnormal(T2B)
Table 8-1 Indoor unit error codes
8.1 Troubles and causes of air conditioner
Run Lamp
1E0 OFF 1 Indoor EEPROM error
2E1 OFF 2 Communication malfunction beetwen indoor and outdoor units
3E3 OFF 4 Indoor fan speed malfunction
4E4 OFF 5 Indoor room temperature sensor (T1) open circuit or short circuit
5E5 OFF 6 Indoor coil temperature sensor (T2) open circuit or short circuit
6EC OFF 7 Regfrigerante leakage detection malfunction
7EE OFF 8 Water-level alarm malfunction
8E8 OFF 9 Communication malfunction beetwen two indoor units (for Twin systems)
9E9 OFF 10 Other malfunction of Twins systems
10 Ed OFF 11 Outdoor unit is faulty (for old comunicaction protocol)
11 F0 ON 1 Current overload protection
12 F1 ON 2 Outdoor room temperature sensor (T4) open circuit or short circuit
13 F2 ON 3 Outdoor coil temperature sensor (T3) open circuit or short circuit
14 F3 ON 4 Outdoor discharge temperature sensor (T5) open circuit or short circuit
15 F4 ON 5 Outdoor EEPROM error
16 F5 ON 6 Outdoor fan speed malfunction
17 F6 ON 7 Coil temperature sensor (T2b) open circuit or short circuit (for some Multi)
18 F7 ON 8 Lifting panel comunication checking chanel is abnormal
19 F8 ON 9 Lifting panel malfunction
20 F9 ON 10 Lifting panel is not closed
21 P0 FLASH 1Inverter module IPM protection
22 P1 FLASH 2 High/Low voltage protection
23 P2 FLASH 3 High temperature protection of compressor top
24 P3 FLASH 4Outdoor low temperature protection
25 P4 FLASH 5 Compressor drive error
26 P5 FLASH 6 Mode conflict (for some Multi models)
27 P6 FLASH 7 Low pressure protection of compressor
28 P7 FLASH 8 Sensor of outdoor IGBT is faulty
29 CP -- -- Remote contact OFF enabled
Timer LampCode Description

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