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Use the system in the following temperature for safe and
effective operation.The Max operation temperature for
the air conditioner.(Cooling/Heating)
The following should be noticed to ensure an economical operation.
(Refer to corresponding chapterfor details)
1 If air conditioner is used outside the above conditions, it
may cause the unit to function abnormally.
The phenomenon is normal that the surface of air
conditioning may condense water when the relative
larger humidity in room, please close the door and
Optimum performance will be achieved within these
operating temperature range.
Three-minute protection feature
A protection feature prevents the air conditioner from
being activated for approximately 3 minutes
when it restarts immediately after operation.
Power failure
Power failure during operation will stop the unit completely.
The OPERATION lamp on the indoor unit will start flashing
when power is restored.
To restart operation, push the ON/OFF button on the remote
Lightning or a car wireless telephone operating nearby may
cause the unit to malfunction.
Adjust the air flow direction properly to avoid winding toward
your body.
Adjust the room temperature properly to get a comfortable
situation and to avoid supercooling and superheat.
In cooling, close the curtains to avoid direct sunlight.
To keep cool or warm air in the room, never open doors or
windows more often than necessary.
Set the timer for the desired operating time.
Never put obstructions near the air outlet or the air inlet. Or it
will cause lower efficiency, even a sudden stop.
Adjust the air flow direction properly to avoid winding toward
your body.
Adjust the room temperature properly to get a comfortable
situation and to avoid supercooling and superheat.
In cooling, close the curtains to avoid direct sunlight.
To keep cool or warm air in the room, never open doors or
windows more often than necessary.
If you don't plan to use the unit for a long time, please
disconnect power and remove the batteries from the remote
controller. When the power switch is connected, some energy
will be consumed, even if the air conditioner isn't in operation.
So please disconnect the power to save energy. And please
switch the power on 12 hours before you restart the unit to
ensure a smooth operation.
A clogged air filter will reduce cooling or heating efficiency,
please clean it once two weeks.
Table 2-1
Cooling operation
Dry operation
Heating operation
Temperature Outdoor
temperature temperature
0°C ~ 50°C / 32 °F~122°F
-15°C ~ 50°C / 5 °F~122°F
-15°C ~ 24°C / 5 °F~76°F
(62°F ~90°F)
(62°F ~90°F)
While the unit is in operation, you can adjust the air flow louver
to change the flow direction and naturalize the room
temperature evenly. Thus you can enjoy it more comfortably.
Set the air flow direction.
Press the SWING button to adjust the louver to the desired
position and press this button again to maintain the louver at
this position.
Adjust the air flow direction automatically.
Press the SWING button, the louver will swing automatically.
While this function is set, the swing fan of indoor unit runs;
otherwise, the swing fan doesn't run. The swing scale of every
side is 30°. When the air conditioner isn't in operation (including
when TIMER ON is set), the SWING button will be invalid.
Adjust it up and down Fig 5-1
Fig 5-2
Adjust it up and down
While the unit is in operation, you can adjust the air flow louver
to change the flow direction and naturalize the room
temperature evenly. Thus you can enjoy it more comfortably.
Set the air flow direction.
Press the SWING button to adjust the louver to the desired
position and press this button again to maintain the louver at
this position.
Adjust the air flow direction automatically.
Press the SWING button, the louver will swing automatically.
While this function is set, the swing fan of indoor unit runs;
otherwise, the swing fan doesn't run. The swing scale of every
side is 30°. When the air conditioner isn't in operation (including
when TIMER ON is set), the SWING button will be invalid.
Adjust it up and down Fig 5-1
Fig 5-2
Adjust it up and down

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