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How to connect wiring
Remove the control box lid of the indoor unit.
Remove the cover of the outdoor unit.
Follow the "Wiring diagram label" attached to the indoor unit's
Securely fix the wires with a field supplied champ.
Attach the cover of the outdoor unit.
Observe the notes mentioned below when wiring to the power
supply terminal board.
Use the specified electric wire. Connect the wire securely to
the terminal. Lock the wire down without applying excessive
force to the terminal. (Tightening torque: 1.31N.m 10%).
- Do not connect wires of different gauge to the same power
supply terminal. (Looseness in the connection may cause
- When connecting wires of the same gauge, connect them
according to the figure.
- When attaching the control box lid, make sure not to pinch
any wires.
- After all wiring connections are done, fill in any gaps in the
casing wiring holes with putty or insulation material (field
supply) thus to prevent small animals or dirt from entering
the unit from outside and causing short circuits in the control
Do not connect wires of different gauge to the same grounding
terminal. Looseness in the connection may deteriorate the
Use only specified wires and tightly connect wires to the terminals.
Be careful that wires do not place external stress on the terminals.
Keep wiring in neat order so that they do not obstruct other
equipment such as popping open the service cover. Make sure
the cover closes tight. Incomplete connections could result in
overheating, and in the worst case, electric shock or fire.
control box lid to wire the outdoor unit, indoor unit and the
remote controller.
Control and settings
For more information, please contact the after-sales service Mundoclima, with your sales man or visit www.mundoclima.com in the corresponding
model section you will find the parameters setting manual.
The capacity of the unit, the address of the unit, temperature compensation, etc. it can be setting by remote control RG57 or by indoor dip-switch.
- The unit capacity should not be modified without permission of the manufacturer.
- Setting is not allowed when the unit is running.
- The address setting of the unit is only necessary if centralized control CCM is connected.
- Twin systems must be set as Master unit and the other as Slave, do the setting by RG57 control or by indoor dip-switch.
Every air-conditioner in network has only one network address to distinguish
each other. Address code of air-conditioner in LAN is set by code switches
S1 & S2 on the Main Control Board of the indoor unit, and the set range is 0-63.
Note: Address setting is only required if you connect a
centralized controller.
Master / Slave set by indoor dip-switch:
Network address set by indoor dip-switch:
By default, all the units are configured for use in 1x1 systems, to set an indoor unit
of a Twin system (2x1) by micro-switch on the main board, you must set the micro-
switch SW5 so as It is shown in the image on the left.
There are two combinations of the micro-switch to assign the master unit (the two serve equally).
The adjustment should be made with disconnected power supply unit.
The adjustment should be made with disconnected power supply unit.

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