Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Adjust the four panel hook screws to keep the panel
horizontal, and screw them up to the ceiling evenly. ( Refer to
Regulate the panel in the direction of the arrow in Fig.5-10.4
slightly to fit the panel's center to the center of the ceiling's
opening. Guarantee that hooks of four corners are fixed well.
Keep fastening the screws under the panel hooks, until the
thickness of the sponge between the body and the panel's
outlet has been reduced to about 4~6mm. The edge of the
panel should contact with the ceiling well. (Refer to Fig.5-11)
Fasten the rope of installation cover on the bolt of the
installation cover. (Refer to Fig.5-14-left)
Press the installation cover into the panel slightly. (Refer to
Malfunction described in Fig.5-12 can be caused by
inappropriate tightness the screw.
If the gap between the panel and ceiling still exists after
fastening the screws, the height of the indoor unit should
be modified again. ( Refer to Fig.5-13-left)
You can modify the height of the indoor unit through the
openings on the panel's four c orners, if the lift of the
indoor unit and the drainpipe is not influenced (Refer to
Hang the air-in grill to the panel, then connect the lead
terminator of the swing motor and that of the control box
with corresponding terminators on the body respectively.
Relocate the air-in grill in the procedure of reversed order.
Relocate the installation cover.
Tubing joint
Outlet joint
Hook panel
Swing Motor
Do not coil the wiring of the swing motor into the seal
Install the panel
Align the swing motor on the panel to the tubing joints of the
body properly. ( Refer to Fig.5-10)
Fix hooks of the panel at swing motor and its opposite sides
to the hooks of corresponding water receiver. ( Refer to
Fig.5-10.1) Then hang the other two panel hooks onto
corresponding hangers of the body. ( Refer to Fig.5-10.2)
panel sponge
panel foam1 air out
Fan panel foam 2
Loosen upper nut
Adjust lower nut
4 - m m 6
outlet foam
Installation cover’s rope
Tap Screw Slide the four sliders
in the corresponding
channel when installing
the cover

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