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1. Safety Precautions
This mark indicates procedures which, if improperly performed, might lead to the
death or serious injury of the user.
This mark indicates procedures which, if improperly performed, might possibly result
in personal harm to the user, or damage to property.
(1). Installation should be left to the dealer or another professional. Improper installation may cause
water leakage, electrical shock, or re.
(2). Install the air conditioner according to the instructions given in this manual. Incomplete installation
may cause water leakage, electrical shock, or re.
(3). Be
sure to use the supplied or specied installation parts. Use of other parts may cause the unit to
come to lose, water leakage, electrical shock, or re.
(4). Install the air conditioner on a solid base that can support the weight of the unit. An inadequate base
or incomplete installation may cause injury in the event the unit falls off the base.
(5). Electrical work should be carried out in accordance with the installation manual and the national
electrical wiring rules or code of practice. Insufcient capacity or incomplete electrical work may
cause electrical shock or re.
(6). Be sure to use a dedicated power circuit. Never use a power supply shared by another appliance.
(7). For wiring, use a cable length enough to cover the entire distance with no connection. Do not use
an extension cord. Do not put other loads on the power supply, use a dedicated power circuit.
(Failure to do so may cause abnormal heat, electric shock or re.)
(8). Use the specied types of wires for electrical connections between the indoor and outdoor units.
Firmly clamp the interconnecting wires so their terminals receive no external stresses. Incomplete
connections or clamping may cause terminal overheating or re.
(9). After connecting interconnecting and supply wiring be sure to shape the cables so that they do not
put undue force on the electrical covers or panels. Install covers over the wires. Incomplete cover
installation may cause terminal overheating, electrical shock, or re.
(10). If any refrigerant has leaked out during the installation work, ventilate the room. (The refrigerant
produces a toxic gas if exposed to ames.)
After all installation is complete, check to make sure that no refrigerant is leaking out. (The
refrigerant produces a toxic gas if exposed to ames.)
(12). When installing or relocating the system, be sure to keep the refrigerant circuit free from
substances other than the specied refrigerant (R410A), such as air. (Any presence of air or other
foreign substance in the refrigerant circuit causes an abnormal pressure rise or rupture, resulting in
(13). During pump-down, stop the compressor before removing the refrigerant piping. If the compressor
is still running and the stop valve is open during pump-down, air will be sucked in when the
refrigerant piping is removed, causing abnormal pressure in the freezer cycle which will lead to
breakage and even injury.
Cassette Serie H3 - Super DC Inverter

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