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Seite 1
1. Contents
1. Contents 1
2. Introduction 3
3. Safety notes 3
3.1. General safety notes 4
3.2. Range checking 5
4. Liability exclusion / Compensation 6
5. Guarantee 6
6. Specification 6
7. The transmitter 7
7.1. Front face of transmitter 7
7.2. Rear face of transmitter 7
7.3. Inside the transmitter 8
7.4. Mechanical details 8
7.4.1. Opening and closing the transmitter case 8
7.4.2. Adjusting the transmitter aerial,
fitting a new aerial 9
7.4.3. Installing and removing the RF module 9
7.4.4. Changing the transmitter crystal
(HFM-4 module only) 10
7.4.5. Changing the transmitter battery 10
7.4.6. Disabling the stick neutralisation system,
activating the spring for ratchet or friction
operation 10
7.4.7. Adjust the neutralising force 10
7.4.8. Swivelling the stick units 10
7.4.9. Adjusting and replacing the stick tops 11
7.4.10. Stick top with buttons
- how to fit them, how they work 11
7.4.11. Installing the optional switches “P” and “K” 12
8. The transmitter battery 13
8.1. Battery management in the ROYALevo 13
8.1.1. This is what we have already 13
8.1.2. This is NEW 13
8.1.3. This is what you must attend 13
8.2. The battery essentials in brief 13
8.3. Safety notes 13
8.4. Charging the transmitter battery 14
8.5. Maintaining and storing
the transmitter battery 14
8.6. Recycling 15
9. Using the transmitter for the first time 15
9.1. Initial power-ON 15
9.2. Switching on 15
9.2.1. Switching ON
with the HFM-4 RF module for crystals 15
9.2.2. Switching ON
with the HFM-S synthesizer RF module 15
9.2.3. Switching ON
without transmitting an RF signal 15
9.3. Security queries when switching ON 16
9.3.1. Throttle check 16
9.3.2. RF Check with the synthesizer module 16
9.4. Selecting the channel
with an HFM-S synthesizer RF module 16
9.5. The RF status display (red LED) 16
9.6. The status displays 17
10. The basic operating philosophy 18
10.1. The keypad 18
10.1.1. Direct menu access buttons (row 1) 18
10.1.2. Task buttons (row 2) 18
10.1.3. Text input 18
10.2. The 3-D digi-adjustors 19
10.2.1. Programming using the 3-D digi-adjustors 19
10.2.2. Making adjustments
using the 3-D digi-adjustors 19
10.3. Working with the keypad and 3-D digi-
adjustor -the fundamental operating
philosophy 20
10.3.1. Calling up main menus 20
10.3.2. Opening sub-menus 20
10.3.3. Changing values 21
10.3.4. Returning from whence you came 21
11. Digital trims 22
11.1. Introduction 22
11.2. Advantages of digital trims 22
11.3. The cruciform digital trim assembly 22
11.4. On-screen trim display 22
12. Creating a new model 23
12.1. Basic information 23
A new fixed-wing model 23
A new helicopter 24
12.4. Model templates in detail 28
12.5. Template: BASIC 28
12.5.1. Assigned transmitter controls and switches 28
12.5.2. Assigned servos / receiver outputs 28
12.5.3. Fine-tuning 28
12.6. Template: ACRO 29
12.6.1. Assigned transmitter controls and switches 29
12.6.2. Assigned servos / receiver outputs 29
12.6.3. Fine-tuning 29
12.7. Template: HOTLINER 29
12.7.1. Assigned transmitter controls and switches 29
12.7.2. Assigned servos / receiver outputs 29
12.7.3. Fine-tuning 29
12.8. Template: DELTA 30
12.8.1. Assigned transmitter controls and switches 30
12.8.2. Assigned servos / receiver outputs 30
12.8.3. Fine-tuning 30
12.9. Template: GLIDER 30
12.9.1. Assigned transmitter controls / switches 30
12.9.2. Assigned servos / receiver outputs 30
12.9.3. Fine-tuning 30
12.10. Template: 4-Flaps 31
12.10.1. Assigned transmitter controls and switches 31
12.10.2. Assigned servos / receiver outputs 31
12.10.3. Fine-tuning 31
12.11. Template: HELImech 31
12.11.1. Assigned transmitter controls and switches 31
12.11.2. Assigned servos / receiver outputs 31
12.11.3. Fine Tuning 31
12.12. Template: HELIccpm 32
12.12.1. Assigned transmitter controls / switches 32
12.12.2. Assigned servos / receiver outputs 32
12.12.3. Fine tuning 32
12.13. Helicopter with HEIM mechanics 32

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Andere handleiding(en) van Multiplex ROYALevo9

Multiplex ROYALevo9 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 110 pagina's

Multiplex ROYALevo9 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 58 pagina's

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