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Operating Instructions
Power Peak
Order No.
The Power charger, which
can recharge your LiPo batte-
ries on the move and at home
- and very quickly.
Two outputs, each with 200
watts power and up to 20
A charge current in a sing-
le case. Both charge circuits
work entirely separately of
each other, and can also be adjusted individually. The charge
data for all outputs are displayed in clear form on separate backlit
graphic screens.
The menu language can be selected from German, English,
French and Italian. The powerful integral equalizer monitors the
cells without drawing a current, and balances the cells at the high
rate of 300 mA, which is adequate even for batteries with a capa-
city of 5 Ah and more.
The device features mini-USB sockets which can be used to
update the software at any time. In future the charge data will also
be available at these sockets, where they can be read out and
processed using the new Logview software.
The charger also features an integral 5 V / 1 A USB charge
socket for smart-phones, digital cameras and sat-nav devices,
etc. Additionally, the charger is equipped with every conceivable
protective system, such as short-circuit, polarity and overheating
An important feature of the charger is the pioneering Battery
IDentification system (BID). As the range of battery types beco-
mes ever more diverse, each type of battery requires its own
dedicated charging process. It is easy to set up the
charger incorrectly for a specific type of battery,
resulting in costly damage to the battery.
The revolutionary BID system provides a brilliant
solution to this problem. Each battery is assigned a
small, lightweight BID chip or key which stores all the
relevant data for charging and discharging the battery perfectly.
The BID chip or key is connected to the Power Peak
and defines the parameters for the charger. All you need to do is
press the Start button, and the charge or discharge process com-
mences. No tedious setting of parameters in a menu, maximum
protection from errors in operation, and the storage of the relevant
battery data on the BID chip or key: these are the unique advan-
tages of the BID system.
Since the essential information is stored on the BID chip, the
battery always carries its own data with it, and the data can
easily be displayed on the charger.
This function largely eliminates the
necessity for PC software and com-
puter technology in order to obtain an
accurate overview of the state of the
battery. At the same time the large
graphic screen provides a particularly
convenient data display for the user.
Operating voltage: approx.10.5...18VDCor230VAC
(Do not use a charger intended
for car batteries!)
Cell count: Output 1 + 2:
1-7 cells LiFe, LiIo, LiPo
1-12 cells Pb / lead
Charge current: 0.1...20 A (max. approx. 200 Watt)
Discharge current: 0.1...10 A (max. approx. 36 Watt per
Equalizer socket: for 1-7 cells LiFe, Lilo, LiPo
Finaldischargevoltage.: 0.1...1.1Vpercell(NiCd/NiMH
Trickle charge: OFF or 50 - 300 mA (variable in 1 mA
Equalizer current: approx. 300 mA
Charge termination:
NiCd / NiMH: automatic, digital Delta-Peak system
Cut-offsensitivity: 3...15mVpercell,NiCd/NiMHbatteries
Leadandlithium: automatic, voltage-dependent, CC-CV
varied using "Discharge voltage" function).
Time cut-off: 1 - 720 min. or Off
Capacity cut-off: 0.1 - 60 Ah or Off
Dimensions: 270x200x85mm
Weight: approx. 2600 g

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