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v The receiver aerial may be damaged, too short (less than 40 cm) or badly
v Ambient conditions may be poor (damp track surface, metal fences
shielding the signal, etc.).
If the range is not sufficient with the aerial collapsed, and you cannot locate the
source of the problem as described above, try the following alternative test: extend
the transmitter aerial fully, then repeat the check as described above. If the effective
range is 1.5 times longer than the farthest reach of the track, you should be safe to
operate the system.
If you are still in any doubt - don’t risk it and run the model! Take your time to
check everything in peace and quiet, so that you can locate and solve the
problem before you place your valuable model at risk!
11.3. Care of the transmitter
Protect your transmitter from mechanical damage, temperatures above 60°C (direct
sun inside a car), damp, solvents, model fuel, combustion residues and dust. Kindly
bear in mind that a rapid change in temperature (e.g. moving the model from a
warm workshop to a cold car) can cause condensation on and in the transmitter, and
condensation may prevent the unit functioning correctly. If this should happen, it
makes sense to carry out a particularly thorough range check, and allow your
transmitter plenty of time to adapt to the ambient temperature. Check that the
transmitter is completely dry both inside (battery compartment) and out before
using it.
Cleaning the transmitter
The best tool for removing dust is a soft paintbrush. The transmitter case can be
cleaned with a slightly moist soft cloth and a mild household cleaner.
Check that no fluid gets inside the transmitter.
11.4. Maintenance
Your transmitter contains no parts which require maintenance.
Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you carry out a range check and
examine all the working systems at regular intervals.
What should you do if problems arise or you have queries?
The first stop should be your local model shop, where advice is gladly given.
The addresses of our Service Centres are printed on the last page of these
For technical queries, and questions regarding the use of the transmitter, please call
us on the MULTIPLEX hotline on +49-7233-7343.
You can also reach us by E-mail at this address: technik@multiplex-rc.de.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Multiplex PROFIcar707

Multiplex PROFIcar707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 48 pagina's

Multiplex PROFIcar707 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 48 pagina's

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