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3. More about steering LL
The PROFI CAR provides the following facilities for adjusting the steering:
Servo centre and servo travel {3.1} (T menu, menu point „S-TRAV“, servo 1)
These facilities allow you to adjust the servo to suit the mechanical set-up in your
model, and at the same time set the maximum steering travel and centre setting
for accurate straight running.
Steering CENTRE {3.3} (L menu, menu point „CENTRE“)
In this part of the menu you can correct the car’s straight running. The steering
trim also affects this value, and you can „automatically“ accept the trim value as
the centre in this menu point.
Steering TRAVEL {3.4} (L menu, menu point „TRAVEL“)
At this point you can enter a value for the minimum steering travel which you
can set using the digi-adjustor when the car is running. This avoids the danger of
inadvertently setting such a low value that you suddenly run out of steering
travel when you most need it. 30% is the minimum value.
SLOW {3.5} (L menu, menu point „SLOW“)
You can adjust the transit speed of the steering servo separately for entering
turns „••“ and for exiting turns „••“.
EXPO {3.6} (L menu, menu point „EXPO“)
You may like to adjust the steering so that response to the wheel is more or less
sensitive than normal around the centre setting. This is achieved by setting a
value for EXPOnential.
Auto Dual Rates (L menu, menu point „DUAL“)
Dual Rates means reduced servo travel, and Auto Dual Rates means that the
travel of the steering servo is reduced automatically when the throttle setting is
increased. At full throttle steering travel is small, at idle steering travel is large.
At the DUAL menu point you can
1. set the value at which reduced steering travel (RT) takes effect
2. set the delay (DE) which applies to the automatic travel reduction
Increment size for steering travel and trim setting {3.2}
(T menu, menu point „STEP“)
Each movement of trim rocker A (steering centre) and of the digi-adjustor
(steering travel) produces one increment of change; the step size can be set to
any value between fine (1% increments) and coarse (10% increments).
3.1. Adjusting the steering servo („TT“ menu)
You must adjust the servo to suit the mechanical set-up in your model before you
alter the steering settings in the L menu. In more detail this means: setting the
direction of rotation / and pulse width (norm) of the servo, and setting appropriate
values for left ( ), straight ( ) and right.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Multiplex PROFIcar403

Multiplex PROFIcar403 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 48 pagina's

Multiplex PROFIcar403 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 57 pagina's

Multiplex PROFIcar403 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 48 pagina's

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