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Supplement to
PROFI mc 4000PROFI mc 4000
Manual (for Version 2.0)
We have received many ideas for new features from
users, and we have incorporated these in Version 2.0
of the software in so far as they are possible and sen-
The feature summary on the right shows the functions
which are new, changed or discontinued, and the
summary also serves as Contents for the detailed ex-
planations on the following pages. In the discussions
we give the reasons why we have made any particu-
lar modification.
If you use the
P4000.PC program:
When the new transmitter software was introduced we
also issued Version 2.0 of the P4000.PC program.
Note that Version 1.0 of this program cannot commu-
nicate with a transmitter running Version 2.0.
For a nominal fee of DM 10.00 you can obtain a disk-
ette containing the new program from our Customer
Service Dept.
If you use the UNIVERSAL base type:
'' TIP: for fixed-wing flyers
The basic (default) setting for the mixers in the
UNIVERSAL base type:
l main input(s) switched ON and
set to „sensible“ values,
l all other inputs switched ON and set to 0%.
'' TIP: for helicopter pilots
The basic (default) setting for the mixers in the
UNIVERSAL base type is:
l main input(s) switched ON and
set to „sensible“ values,
l other inputs switched on or off automatically
depending on the flight mode you choose.
In practice this means that the mixer inputs do not
become effective automatically; they must first be set
to the values you want to use.
The advantage is that the mixers do not exhibit unex-
pected „side-effects“ because you have overlooked
one of the mixer inputs at the setting-up stage.
The final page shows a list of the mixers, their inputs
and values.
What is qq new
for all models:
q 1. Flight modes can now be copied .................. 2
q 2. Servo travels can be shown in numeric
and graphic form ....................................... 2
q Points on a curve can also be selected
from the keypad
q 3. Logic-coupled switches AND and OR ........... 5
q 4. Main function trims switchable between
Centre Trim and Standard .......................... 6
q 5. Second independent memory block ............. 7
6.1 Slow for mixer inputs (formerly SOFT-SW)
= SERVO SLOW ........................................ 7
6.2 In the Adjust/CONTROLS menu the name
of the flight mode is only displayed if
the selected parameter can be adjusted
individually for each flight mode.................. 8
6.3 Status of control switches
indicated in the menu by * ......................... 8
6.4 Servos can act as signal source for
control switches and analogue switches ..... 9
6.5 Analogue switches with V-characteristic,
e.g. for gyro suppression ............................ 9
6.6 Running time for the current lap
appears in the menu ................................. 10
6.7 Battery operating time
moved to Power-on menu 2 ..................... 10
6.8 Changing the base type for an existing
model is no longer possible ...................... 10
Of special interest for fixed-wing models:
7. Centre adjustment and trim for the
ELEVATOR control have no effect on the
mixers....................................................... 11
8. Aileron differential is no longer automatically
suppressed by the spoiler control .............. 11
Of special interest for helicopters:
q 9. Travel adjustment and Slow parameters
for the IDLE-UP control............................. 12
q 10. Gyro suppression
included in the base types......................... 15

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