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Unauthorized Service or Modification. Defects or
damages resulting from service, testing, adjustment,
installation, maintenance, alteration, or modification in
any way by someone other than MOTOROLA,
BINATONE or its authorized service centers, are
excluded from coverage.
Altered Products. Products or Accessories with (a) serial
numbers or date tags that have been removed, altered or
obliterated; (b) broken seals or that show evidence of
tampering; (c) mismatched board serial numbers; or (d)
nonconforming or non-Motorola branded housings, or
parts, are excluded from coverage.
Communication Services. Defects, damages, or the
failure of Products or Accessories due to any
communication service or signal you may subscribe to or
use with the Products or Accessories is excluded from
How to Obtain Warranty Service or Other
To obtain service or information, please call:
UK 0845 218 0890
include: (a) the Product or Accessory; (b) the original
proof of purchase (receipt) which includes the date, place
and seller of the Product; (c) if a warranty card was
included in your box, a completed warranty card showing
the serial number of the Product; (d) a written description
of the problem; and, most importantly; (e) your address
and telephone number.
These terms and conditions constitute the complete
warranty agreement between you and BINATONE
regarding the Products or Accessories purchased by you,
and supersede any prior agreement or representations,
including representations made in any literature
publications or promotional materials issued by
BINATONE or representations made by any agent
employee or staff of BINATONE, that may have been
made in connection with the said purchase.
ROI 08187 62092
You will receive instructions on how to ship the Products
or Accessories at your expense and risk, to a BINATONE
Authorized Repair Center. To obtain service, you must

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Andere handleiding(en) van Motorola MBP11

Motorola MBP11 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 19 pagina's

Motorola MBP11 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 22 pagina's

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